Si stanno rivelando profetiche le parole di Scarpinato scritte nel suo libro, Il ritorno del Principe . Nel testo Scarpinato descrive una classe politica vorace, che da sempre, da fin dagli albori dello stato italiano dissangua il paese privandolo delle risorse.
In riferimento alla recente approvazione della privatizzazione dell'acqua il libro sembra veramente profetico: Scarpinato usa una metafora molto efficace:
“ se un organismo vivente viene privato del nutrimento, per sopravvivere cannibalizza se stesso. Utilizza prima il grasso accumulato per poi cibarsi dei muscoli poi delle ossa, si scarnifica crudelmente, coming eventually to death. Similarly, has acted and will act as a carcinogen our political machine. In times of recession we are in now for a decade, they are attacked privatizing services, dramatically increasing costs, obtaining resources for corruption, food politics. "
Here is the truth about privatization in recent years made by the governments that have succeeded and those made by the majority even wilder: need resources to fuel corruption committees and business friends, as there is no plunder these resources, we stripped the services, selling off public companies to dump on the need to state coffers to make the debts of its appeal for the deal our entrepreneurs ragged but generous (to the MPs).
Of great interest will be the privatization of water has a peculiar characteristic: it is indispensable. You can not help but drink, if you're thirsty you're willing to pay without much trouble. You can deny all of the car, new clothes or anything, but you can not miss the water. Where there has already been a privatization, see example in Latin , costs increased and the quality of service has remained the same, if not worse.
Water is a public good that must be provided by the state at cost, without speculation, without allowing us a private profitto, è un bisogno fondamentale, è nostra .
Mi immagino i discorsi in Transatlantico:
“...non ti preoccupare i soldi arriveranno, arriveranno a fiumi, alla sete pagheranno anche i più poveri.”