Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fetish Watching Garbage Trucks

German technology

An image is a black eye sore and bruised, on the back of the rods, the barbed wire of the prison. And 'this is the feeling I seeing this page criticized the book Petra Reski and I wonder what is going on in the great, civilized, beautiful Germany, where an' investigative journalism that is first and last names of people colluding with the 'Ndrangheta rather than cause investigations, inquiries, public debates, should it lead to the enforced silence, the voice all'azzittimento uncomfortable.
Germans have the courage to know! to know that the gangs are not phenomena of southern folk, are not the killers spietati e analfabeti, sono dottori, ingegneri e imprenditori che comandano questi bracci militari che ogni tanto finiscono nelle maglie della giustizia. Queste persone possono stare anche da voi e parlare un tedesco senza accento.
Le mafie hanno montagne di denaro e possono comprarsi tutti i politici che vogliono, infiltrarsi in tutti i più reconditi gangli del potere, inquinare la stessa vita cittadina e la mentalità delle persone, possono tenere sotto scacco intere nazioni, possono fare tutto ciò che l'immensa ricchezza, la più spietata violenza e la totale mancanza di regole possono fare.
Voi avete scelto di ignorare, di ficcare la testa sotto la sabbia, di punire un libro imbrattando con l'inchiostro degli omissis, bruciando chi voleva farvi aprire gli occhi, non volete che nessuno rovini le atmosfere serene delle vostre serate, dei vostri natali nordici, nessuno dica nulla, nessuno parli.
Siamo allora molto meglio noi in Italia? Noi abbiamo creato le mafie, evadiamo fieri le tasse non comprendendo che stiamo rubando a noi stessi, ma abbiamo pubblicato Gomorra , i Complici ; indaghiamo il nostro presidente del consiglio accusandolo alla luce del sole, di reati importanti senza temere, in fondo, la sua vendetta, siamo pronti a scendere in piazza tante e tante volte insultando se è necessario. Non applichiamo vigliacche censure, vogliamo leggere, sapere, riflettere, verificare.

Ignoring people or things we would preclude the possibility of change.

not remember the dates as May 10 33 ? The ugly facts are quickly forgotten, easily, the usual circle of history, which is cyclical for those who do not know history and is destined to ricommettere their mistakes.

Fetish Watching Garbage Trucks

German technology

An image is a black eye sore and bruised, on the back of the rods, the barbed wire of the prison. And 'this is the feeling I seeing this page criticized the book Petra Reski and I wonder what is going on in the great, civilized, beautiful Germany, where an' investigative journalism that is first and last names of people colluding with the 'Ndrangheta rather than cause investigations, inquiries, public debates, should it lead to the enforced silence, the voice all'azzittimento uncomfortable.
Germans have the courage to know! to know that the gangs are not phenomena of southern folk, are not the killers spietati e analfabeti, sono dottori, ingegneri e imprenditori che comandano questi bracci militari che ogni tanto finiscono nelle maglie della giustizia. Queste persone possono stare anche da voi e parlare un tedesco senza accento.
Le mafie hanno montagne di denaro e possono comprarsi tutti i politici che vogliono, infiltrarsi in tutti i più reconditi gangli del potere, inquinare la stessa vita cittadina e la mentalità delle persone, possono tenere sotto scacco intere nazioni, possono fare tutto ciò che l'immensa ricchezza, la più spietata violenza e la totale mancanza di regole possono fare.
Voi avete scelto di ignorare, di ficcare la testa sotto la sabbia, di punire un libro imbrattando con l'inchiostro degli omissis, bruciando chi voleva farvi aprire gli occhi, non volete che nessuno rovini le atmosfere serene delle vostre serate, dei vostri natali nordici, nessuno dica nulla, nessuno parli.
Siamo allora molto meglio noi in Italia? Noi abbiamo creato le mafie, evadiamo fieri le tasse non comprendendo che stiamo rubando a noi stessi, ma abbiamo pubblicato Gomorra , i Complici ; indaghiamo il nostro presidente del consiglio accusandolo alla luce del sole, di reati importanti senza temere, in fondo, la sua vendetta, siamo pronti a scendere in piazza tante e tante volte insultando se è necessario. Non applichiamo vigliacche censure, vogliamo leggere, sapere, riflettere, verificare.

Ignoring people or things we would preclude the possibility of change.

not remember the dates as May 10 33 ? The ugly facts are quickly forgotten, easily, the usual circle of history, which is cyclical for those who do not know history and is destined to ricommettere their mistakes.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What's Inside My Wife's

Finally the light, out of the shadows, finally speaks clearly: "The mess-ups are sometimes useful." Massimo D'Alema through a particular period of time u n outing, the revelation of his own nature the world, with your clarification I hidden.
As we are concerned we can only anger of barter which is celebrated in these days: the survival of their role and their political minions D'Alema in exchange for rescue from the processes and the political decline for the Knight, the price of this is our rule of law, equality before the law, our institutions. That 's what the assignment to the 30 denier Copasir are costing, in defiance of the opinion that the rider and his policy may have the voters of the Democratic Party.
A summary of the unholy pact has given well The Fact , and is read raccapriciante the list of real events that have marked the underground pacts over the past 15 years of Italian politics, a year marked by mutual support of the PD to the PDL and vice versa, spent years to build a bipartisan born on the ashes still smoking the massacres of Capaci and Via D'Amelio, who was born as we read these days, the terms with the Mafia by the State.
It makes you think that the opposition to Berlusconi is only a pretext, a game in which to entertain the Italians, let them vent, in belusconiani struggle against false claims, then we, after they got tired, really decide, the backroom fate of the country.
If you reflect, calmly you can believe that such systems Anglo-Saxon of bipartisanship, are ways to defuse difficult to control the mechanisms of democracy: we create two different parties, we pretend to fight us excitedly, just to tire the people, create antagonisms, baste the arenas in which to squabble journalists that, like the gladiators Romans have their own rabid fans, let everyone sfoghino for good, then at the end of one party or the other, they are different faces to the same policies, the people can only vote one of no other choices, and everything remains property.
changed everything for not change anything, as saying the Leopard.

What's Inside My Wife's

Finally the light, out of the shadows, finally speaks clearly: "The mess-ups are sometimes useful." Massimo D'Alema through a particular period of time u n outing, the revelation of his own nature the world, with your clarification I hidden.
As we are concerned we can only anger of barter which is celebrated in these days: the survival of their role and their political minions D'Alema in exchange for rescue from the processes and the political decline for the Knight, the price of this is our rule of law, equality before the law, our institutions. That 's what the assignment to the 30 denier Copasir are costing, in defiance of the opinion that the rider and his policy may have the voters of the Democratic Party.
A summary of the unholy pact has given well The Fact , and is read raccapriciante the list of real events that have marked the underground pacts over the past 15 years of Italian politics, a year marked by mutual support of the PD to the PDL and vice versa, spent years to build a bipartisan born on the ashes still smoking the massacres of Capaci and Via D'Amelio, who was born as we read these days, the terms with the Mafia by the State.
It makes you think that the opposition to Berlusconi is only a pretext, a game in which to entertain the Italians, let them vent, in belusconiani struggle against false claims, then we, after they got tired, really decide, the backroom fate of the country.
If you reflect, calmly you can believe that such systems Anglo-Saxon of bipartisanship, are ways to defuse difficult to control the mechanisms of democracy: we create two different parties, we pretend to fight us excitedly, just to tire the people, create antagonisms, baste the arenas in which to squabble journalists that, like the gladiators Romans have their own rabid fans, let everyone sfoghino for good, then at the end of one party or the other, they are different faces to the same policies, the people can only vote one of no other choices, and everything remains property.
changed everything for not change anything, as saying the Leopard.