Sunday, March 21, 2010

Saved Data Utility Minis Ps3

Do not forget ... those who govern us

In periodo di elezioni, fossero solo regionali, è utile ricordare le scimmie ammaestrate che ci governano.
Al momento del voto dobbiamo chiederci: questa persona deve rappresentarmi,  deve decidere sul mio lavoro, sul mio futuro, sulla mia vita. Può farlo se neanche possiede the most basic knowledge, if arrogance manifests with the most blatant ignorance?
I do not think.
I find it incredible that you do not know how to answer questions like: Who is the Dalai Lama, who wrote the infinite, when America was discovered.
Beasts! Trained monkeys! Trained to press for votes on command.

Saved Data Utility Minis Ps3

Do not forget ... those who govern us

In periodo di elezioni, fossero solo regionali, è utile ricordare le scimmie ammaestrate che ci governano.
Al momento del voto dobbiamo chiederci: questa persona deve rappresentarmi,  deve decidere sul mio lavoro, sul mio futuro, sulla mia vita. Può farlo se neanche possiede the most basic knowledge, if arrogance manifests with the most blatant ignorance?
I do not think.
I find it incredible that you do not know how to answer questions like: Who is the Dalai Lama, who wrote the infinite, when America was discovered.
Beasts! Trained monkeys! Trained to press for votes on command.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Female Swimsuitmishaps

Rai for a night

After reading the text of the wiretaps published today on the Done I understand that transmission of the boxes really broke Santoro in the government, and this I am. Reading of course the plot hatched in time, the attempts to land all'illeggittima suspension of the program in time of elections, just as the scandals were coming out of civil defense, when we heard more people we need to know.
Santoro and his team did not lose heart, and apparently are organizing the webcast through friends broadcasters, radio and by whatever means is available. In addition to the team of journalists are provided free of charge and the technicians of the rays as they serve to make a program of the complexity of AnnoZero, this makes me feel less unhappy about paying the fee (unfortunately Vespa & C cause me too disgust).
to organize the program is a contribution, € 2.5 = half beer is not so much and I will not put anyone into trouble.
Think for a moment, imagine the face of Berlusca pissed off that vent to use as a punching bag Bondi, think La Russa that he vent to bite his dog, these pictures alone are worth € 2.5

Female Swimsuitmishaps

Rai for a night

After reading the text of the wiretaps published today on the Done I understand that transmission of the boxes really broke Santoro in the government, and this I am. Reading of course the plot hatched in time, the attempts to land all'illeggittima suspension of the program in time of elections, just as the scandals were coming out of civil defense, when we heard more people we need to know.
Santoro and his team did not lose heart, and apparently are organizing the webcast through friends broadcasters, radio and by whatever means is available. In addition to the team of journalists are provided free of charge and the technicians of the rays as they serve to make a program of the complexity of AnnoZero, this makes me feel less unhappy about paying the fee (unfortunately Vespa & C cause me too disgust).
to organize the program is a contribution, € 2.5 = half beer is not so much and I will not put anyone into trouble.
Think for a moment, imagine the face of Berlusca pissed off that vent to use as a punching bag Bondi, think La Russa that he vent to bite his dog, these pictures alone are worth € 2.5

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bloating Pain 28 Weeks Pregnant

Ideas pestilential Berlusconi Docet

I recently read the book by Richard Dawkins The Selfish Gene , a beautiful popular book produced by an acute scientist, which allows even the layman to understand the genetic mechanisms that underlie evolution: the genes that program our lives building our body and target behaviors.
One of the chapters of the book, the first edition in 1976, concerns memes : a meme is an idea, found a scientific, a melody, a song, political idea, a meme is a unit of full information that is replicated, sometimes changing in people's minds, in books or in general through the media communication, as well as the genes are units within the chromosomes are replicated, sometimes modified, through the mechanisms of reproduction.
We think we have a particular idea, we speak with other people, we spread this idea if it is effective is still widespread and cause changes in the behavior of people who know her, just as genes are the cause of the behavior of living things in which they live and whether they are winning, if they lead to benefits for individuals of the species on other people, spread.
A fascinating idea, which may seem fanciful, but the attention it has aroused in the scientific community (see this book ) Denotes that it is valid and deserves attention and careful study.
In light of this theory is interesting to analyze, at least in part, some recent events in European political landscape. The contrast between the judiciary and politics, which is featuring the Italian governments to tangentopoli later the idea that politics should be above the parties, immune from the checks, subject only to the popular consensus that such consent can be easily built and guaranteed through the control of the media , systematically controlled by the same political party in a vicious circle without end, strong ideas, at least in Italy are having a huge success. But recently I read some reports that show the spread of these ideas in full agreement with the theory of memes : the reform of criminal procedure in France , the application of tissue in England.
In France, unlike Italy, the judiciary is not independent but controlled by the policy so strong, this has clearly explained in his Bruno Tinti "Togas routes" , within this one type of court order The GIP, but has a certain autonomy, and not coincidentally the courts have been involved in corruption inquiries. Well, the reform proposed by the government specifically seeks to abolish this figure. Obrobrioso! But if there is a time to understand abstract: the idea was implemented that politics can do anything, can the mechanism of disjoint rules, controls, is the true owner. The meme spreads.
In England, the Brown government, in trouble, he thought well of nominate a number of last-tissue. Ben recempendo the idea that beauty is more important than the ideas and political behavior , the government has realized they can convince the electorate, not through good policy, aimed at improving the living conditions of citizens, but only using physical beauty, empty of content or not is not important, important they get the votes. The meme spreads.
will react remains to ask how the civil society of European states to this infection, relegherà these harmful ideas in the decreeing an ignoble extinction, or you become ill with an infection and difficult to treat. We have a precedent: the last time so harmful political ideas have spread across the continents was in the last century: the dictatorship of Mussolini's rivals had much more developed under the German and English and had to be a cure for horse War world.

Bloating Pain 28 Weeks Pregnant

Ideas pestilential Berlusconi Docet

I recently read the book by Richard Dawkins The Selfish Gene , a beautiful popular book produced by an acute scientist, which allows even the layman to understand the genetic mechanisms that underlie evolution: the genes that program our lives building our body and target behaviors.
One of the chapters of the book, the first edition in 1976, concerns memes : a meme is an idea, found a scientific, a melody, a song, political idea, a meme is a unit of full information that is replicated, sometimes changing in people's minds, in books or in general through the media communication, as well as the genes are units within the chromosomes are replicated, sometimes modified, through the mechanisms of reproduction.
We think we have a particular idea, we speak with other people, we spread this idea if it is effective is still widespread and cause changes in the behavior of people who know her, just as genes are the cause of the behavior of living things in which they live and whether they are winning, if they lead to benefits for individuals of the species on other people, spread.
A fascinating idea, which may seem fanciful, but the attention it has aroused in the scientific community (see this book ) Denotes that it is valid and deserves attention and careful study.
In light of this theory is interesting to analyze, at least in part, some recent events in European political landscape. The contrast between the judiciary and politics, which is featuring the Italian governments to tangentopoli later the idea that politics should be above the parties, immune from the checks, subject only to the popular consensus that such consent can be easily built and guaranteed through the control of the media , systematically controlled by the same political party in a vicious circle without end, strong ideas, at least in Italy are having a huge success. But recently I read some reports that show the spread of these ideas in full agreement with the theory of memes : the reform of criminal procedure in France , the application of tissue in England.
In France, unlike Italy, the judiciary is not independent but controlled by the policy so strong, this has clearly explained in his Bruno Tinti "Togas routes" , within this one type of court order The GIP, but has a certain autonomy, and not coincidentally the courts have been involved in corruption inquiries. Well, the reform proposed by the government specifically seeks to abolish this figure. Obrobrioso! But if there is a time to understand abstract: the idea was implemented that politics can do anything, can the mechanism of disjoint rules, controls, is the true owner. The meme spreads.
In England, the Brown government, in trouble, he thought well of nominate a number of last-tissue. Ben recempendo the idea that beauty is more important than the ideas and political behavior , the government has realized they can convince the electorate, not through good policy, aimed at improving the living conditions of citizens, but only using physical beauty, empty of content or not is not important, important they get the votes. The meme spreads.
will react remains to ask how the civil society of European states to this infection, relegherà these harmful ideas in the decreeing an ignoble extinction, or you become ill with an infection and difficult to treat. We have a precedent: the last time so harmful political ideas have spread across the continents was in the last century: the dictatorship of Mussolini's rivals had much more developed under the German and English and had to be a cure for horse War world.