Sunday, October 28, 2007

How To Tell If Betta Is Bloated

will resume when a new chapter on publications

Ermete Trismegisto

How To Tell If Betta Is Bloated

will resume when a new chapter on publications

Ermete Trismegisto

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Web Template Sail Boat

Il mistero del legame

Dalla cultura greca antica arriva fino al nostro Rinascimento l' Ermetismo : un vero e proprio legame tra le leggi morali e l'achimia, una fusione tra filosofia e religione, che afferma - per rinvenirlo - il dominio di ciò che sta sopra la natura (soprannaturale) sulla natura stessa (naturale).

Il legame fra soprannaturale e naturale viene così usato per il bene, o per il male, dell'uomo: vengono studiati, ad esempio, gli influssi lunari e astrali. Una tale cultura legata alla natura, per quanto riguarda either end of the bond, had a great fortune in rural areas, we observe the lunar cycles for agriculture, bottling of wines, harvested, etc.. The tides depend on the moon ... and also in animals and humans is evident that the same dependence, the same link: for example, hair growth variable if the moon is sharp or flat, etc..

Hermeticism, whose name derives from the greek god Hermes, however, presupposes another boss (invisible and mysterious) of the bond. And the origin of the term refers to a deity, however, the oldest, that is, Thoth, who later, in greek, it was called Hermes Trismegistus, or Hermes tre volte grande . Da tale dio, che è un legame fra quello egizio e quello greco, derivano la letteratura ermetica e l'ermetismo, contenuti nel Corpus Hermeticum , intesi come mondi di significati nascosti e non accessibili a chiunque non ne abbia le chiavi di lettura.

Thot era regolatore delle fasi lunari e fondatore della scienza, che si esprime nei numeri e nelle lettere. Proprio lettere e numeri sono come dei misteri, se non se ne conoscono i segreti.

Nella mitologia egizia, Osiride rivela agli uomini l'arte agricola e Seth, un dio malvagio, lo uccide per gelosia. E' lo stesso Thot a sedare dunque la lotta di Seth con Horus, il figlio partorito da Iside con Osiride, il di lei fratello morto, il cui corpo smembrato e disperso era stato perciò ricomposto. Horus, chiamato per natura a vendicare il padre, ha l'occhio ferito e viene curato da Thot. Le rappresentazioni del dio Thot sono note: un babbuino o un montone con una bilancia con due sottili fili o catene, che legano due pesi: è il simbolo della giustizia, del legame con un ordine naturale che cela in sé l'ordine della sopra-natura; è il legame fra giustizia umana e giustizia divina, che fa pendere l'ago della bilancia che lega le due misure. La giustizia è bendata con una fascia (altro legame simbolico) per essere imparziale. I morti, nella mitologia egizia, sono giudicati da Osiride alla presenza della dea della giustizia Maat, that the scales raises the dead heart of the first to indicate the destination of the soul, called ka . The scale used in Greek mythology, in the Persian, etc.. and comes to the Middle Ages and the weight of the soul continues to be made (that is famous for Oudewater, Holland). It seems, today, we know the weight of the soul (21 grams), if it's the same thing spoken of in myth and faith, but it is not. What is the soul is difficult to understand, if there ... The Stoics say that the soul is the body. The soul is, ultimately, the link between life and death, believed to be immortal mythology, theology and philosophy for many centuries. What the soul is hard to understand. We, once again, we say that it, too, exists or not, is ... a bond. And this, at least, is indisputable.

Web Template Sail Boat

Il mistero del legame

Dalla cultura greca antica arriva fino al nostro Rinascimento l' Ermetismo : un vero e proprio legame tra le leggi morali e l'achimia, una fusione tra filosofia e religione, che afferma - per rinvenirlo - il dominio di ciò che sta sopra la natura (soprannaturale) sulla natura stessa (naturale).

Il legame fra soprannaturale e naturale viene così usato per il bene, o per il male, dell'uomo: vengono studiati, ad esempio, gli influssi lunari e astrali. Una tale cultura legata alla natura, per quanto riguarda either end of the bond, had a great fortune in rural areas, we observe the lunar cycles for agriculture, bottling of wines, harvested, etc.. The tides depend on the moon ... and also in animals and humans is evident that the same dependence, the same link: for example, hair growth variable if the moon is sharp or flat, etc..

Hermeticism, whose name derives from the greek god Hermes, however, presupposes another boss (invisible and mysterious) of the bond. And the origin of the term refers to a deity, however, the oldest, that is, Thoth, who later, in greek, it was called Hermes Trismegistus, or Hermes tre volte grande . Da tale dio, che è un legame fra quello egizio e quello greco, derivano la letteratura ermetica e l'ermetismo, contenuti nel Corpus Hermeticum , intesi come mondi di significati nascosti e non accessibili a chiunque non ne abbia le chiavi di lettura.

Thot era regolatore delle fasi lunari e fondatore della scienza, che si esprime nei numeri e nelle lettere. Proprio lettere e numeri sono come dei misteri, se non se ne conoscono i segreti.

Nella mitologia egizia, Osiride rivela agli uomini l'arte agricola e Seth, un dio malvagio, lo uccide per gelosia. E' lo stesso Thot a sedare dunque la lotta di Seth con Horus, il figlio partorito da Iside con Osiride, il di lei fratello morto, il cui corpo smembrato e disperso era stato perciò ricomposto. Horus, chiamato per natura a vendicare il padre, ha l'occhio ferito e viene curato da Thot. Le rappresentazioni del dio Thot sono note: un babbuino o un montone con una bilancia con due sottili fili o catene, che legano due pesi: è il simbolo della giustizia, del legame con un ordine naturale che cela in sé l'ordine della sopra-natura; è il legame fra giustizia umana e giustizia divina, che fa pendere l'ago della bilancia che lega le due misure. La giustizia è bendata con una fascia (altro legame simbolico) per essere imparziale. I morti, nella mitologia egizia, sono giudicati da Osiride alla presenza della dea della giustizia Maat, that the scales raises the dead heart of the first to indicate the destination of the soul, called ka . The scale used in Greek mythology, in the Persian, etc.. and comes to the Middle Ages and the weight of the soul continues to be made (that is famous for Oudewater, Holland). It seems, today, we know the weight of the soul (21 grams), if it's the same thing spoken of in myth and faith, but it is not. What is the soul is difficult to understand, if there ... The Stoics say that the soul is the body. The soul is, ultimately, the link between life and death, believed to be immortal mythology, theology and philosophy for many centuries. What the soul is hard to understand. We, once again, we say that it, too, exists or not, is ... a bond. And this, at least, is indisputable.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Instant Cameras Walmart

Chapter 12 Chapter 11 Chapter 10

The bond that runs

Running ... is what did the god Hermes (or Hermes), also represented with wings on your feet, one who interprets the divine will. Deucalion after the flood, he sees his Hermes appear that asks what he wants from the gods. Hermes, an expression of divine will, run! The run can make a link between space and time, the greatest human experience of freedom, at least physically ... is pensi agli atleti, prima ancora che al superamento delle corse umane con quelle motorizzate (dalle esaltazioni della velocità e dell'invenzione dell'automobile, fatte dai futuristi, alle corse della Formula Uno...), o con quelle virtuali (il mud run schecth , la scena accelerata in un film o in una ripresa), e alla simulazione del volo naturale (tanto studiato da Leonardo) con la realizzazione di quello motorizzato tramite gli aerei.

Chi corre è il corridore, ma prima ancora è il corriere ...

Questo termine indica ancora, in italiano e in francese soprattutto, gli organi di informazione, i giornali.

Il courier league, giving news: metaphorically runs, jumps, flies through space and time, the current period.

Especially Hermes ties, in mythology, the divine with the human world: it leads souls from earth to underworld (think of the Orpheus myth, in which Hermes, by the hand and leads finally to the underworld Euridice). Hermes is also shown in the act of carrying a lamb on his shoulders, the contamination of the classical traditions with those of Jewish-Christian, in anticipation of a likely theme of the Good Shepherd (Hermes crioforo).

Just a Hermes' s hermeneutics owes its name. This is the science of interpretation: cioè è la scienza che corre verso lo spirito che è legato, come un nodo da sciogliere, nella parola. L'ermeneutica manifesta, percorrendo il legame fra spirito e parola, significati nascosti in superficie; scioglie la parola che lega l'espressione libera, spirituale, che la trascende.

Il legame si percorre, tramite l'ermeneutica, da un capo all'altro, proprio come faceva Hermes correndo da un mondo all'altro. Tra ciò che è chiaro, o evidente a tutti, e ciò che è oscuro o celato c'è dunque un legame.

La comunicazione si è sviluppata proprio a partire da questo principio: realizzare il legame con ciò that is not immediately visible, audible, perceptible, knowable ... and this is an exponential increase of couriers, namely bonds: many are the wires the networks that enable communication, which is physically allowed by the so-called network. The same blog is just a link! The term comes from web-log that, exactly, is the entrance to the network, ie a bond. A bond that, as was Hermes, makes us run in space and time, virtually ... but always in reality over myth.

Instant Cameras Walmart

Chapter 12 Chapter 11 Chapter 10

The bond that runs

Running ... is what did the god Hermes (or Hermes), also represented with wings on your feet, one who interprets the divine will. Deucalion after the flood, he sees his Hermes appear that asks what he wants from the gods. Hermes, an expression of divine will, run! The run can make a link between space and time, the greatest human experience of freedom, at least physically ... is pensi agli atleti, prima ancora che al superamento delle corse umane con quelle motorizzate (dalle esaltazioni della velocità e dell'invenzione dell'automobile, fatte dai futuristi, alle corse della Formula Uno...), o con quelle virtuali (il mud run schecth , la scena accelerata in un film o in una ripresa), e alla simulazione del volo naturale (tanto studiato da Leonardo) con la realizzazione di quello motorizzato tramite gli aerei.

Chi corre è il corridore, ma prima ancora è il corriere ...

Questo termine indica ancora, in italiano e in francese soprattutto, gli organi di informazione, i giornali.

Il courier league, giving news: metaphorically runs, jumps, flies through space and time, the current period.

Especially Hermes ties, in mythology, the divine with the human world: it leads souls from earth to underworld (think of the Orpheus myth, in which Hermes, by the hand and leads finally to the underworld Euridice). Hermes is also shown in the act of carrying a lamb on his shoulders, the contamination of the classical traditions with those of Jewish-Christian, in anticipation of a likely theme of the Good Shepherd (Hermes crioforo).

Just a Hermes' s hermeneutics owes its name. This is the science of interpretation: cioè è la scienza che corre verso lo spirito che è legato, come un nodo da sciogliere, nella parola. L'ermeneutica manifesta, percorrendo il legame fra spirito e parola, significati nascosti in superficie; scioglie la parola che lega l'espressione libera, spirituale, che la trascende.

Il legame si percorre, tramite l'ermeneutica, da un capo all'altro, proprio come faceva Hermes correndo da un mondo all'altro. Tra ciò che è chiaro, o evidente a tutti, e ciò che è oscuro o celato c'è dunque un legame.

La comunicazione si è sviluppata proprio a partire da questo principio: realizzare il legame con ciò that is not immediately visible, audible, perceptible, knowable ... and this is an exponential increase of couriers, namely bonds: many are the wires the networks that enable communication, which is physically allowed by the so-called network. The same blog is just a link! The term comes from web-log that, exactly, is the entrance to the network, ie a bond. A bond that, as was Hermes, makes us run in space and time, virtually ... but always in reality over myth.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sample Ontario Immunization Record

back in the game

...e questa volta sono male accompagnato.

there's nothing like the old skool.

Sample Ontario Immunization Record

back in the game

...e questa volta sono male accompagnato.

there's nothing like the old skool.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Gay Spots In Richmond


A life! A life, Jimmy, you know what that is?

Is that shit that happens
while you're waiting for moments that never come.

Detective Lester Freamon

Run up on his ass, and blast, like a rebel
Turn up the treble 'cause I hit you with the bass
Remember my name and remember my face
Remember these words and remember the taste
Snoop Dogg, Y'all gone miss me

days of posting wild: the best of scum

1. prova
2. on the road
3. sadness after football
4. when moz and boz are on my side
5. sadness after talking
6. portrait of my city as a rainy place
7. songs that saved my life: suede/coming up
8. rear window
9. scum alle olimpiadi infernali
10. el bajon postmundial
11. i like the smell of cheap beer in the morning: the scum guide to pukkelpop 2006
12. how to live an arabstrapless life
13. on the road again
14. nobody dance nobody get hurt
15. in it for free drinking: rise to power
16. cronache di un lungo viaggio alla ricerca del fondo


scumofsociety di hattrick ricreando tutti i giocatori dentro proevolutionsoccer. un cazzo di lavorone, però quando ci giochi sai esattamente per cosa cazzo hai faticato a fare. poi ancor meno paghi abbiamo anche deciso di ricrearci noi stessi e inserirci dentro le nostre squadre di hattrick ricreate dentro proevolutionsoccer. una roba da farci attribuire la schizofrenia onoraria. dj enzo è una tristissima mezza punta a fine carriera, evidentemente sovrappeso, logorato da una vita di eccessi, si trascina mestamente per il campo con una lentezza imbarazzante e ogni tanto lascia partire qualche sporadico colpo di classe. io invece sono un difensore dal tackle chirurgico con evidenti ambizioni centrocampistiche, un elegante stopper longileneo dalla chioma fluente e dagli zigomi taglienti, but technically robust, powerful, yet precise, strict but fair. So now we have taken the tour before you go to hear the DJ set on Friday nights he spends here, eat a thing and as part of the first round of bitter at the first lady politely ask permission to get up from the table to go to toddle our virtual alter ego. combination the other night dj enzo has received a barrage of slaps on the face that as long as I remember it, but I have certainly started a blog to boast of my achievements and then step further. St. Simon the dried before leaving we gave one more sip of brandy Petrarca, which has really threatened to be fatal because no time to put down the embankments to the dj enzo did the portfolio. everything stops. is good that these two young North Africans have the advantage that they spend their days sucking the green against the rest of us that we have this passion for the digestive instead that could cost us something in terms of lucidity. But while these two phenomena that were believed to be able to fuck with the wrong pitching alliance we have been taught that have yet to eat shit before you can get your hands on the weekly budget provided by dj enzo for the beverage on Friday evening. thinking hard and so long drinks at risk of not drinking because of the theft, we choose to react with all the brutality required by contingencies and take back the wallet with all the money in and all the documents in order, despite the fact that dj enzo would have been useful to lose your license so you can replace the embarrassing photos of him with an eighteen year old afro hair. and at the score of the evening brandy petrarca 1 - green tea with mint 0. this vicissitude has brought something in terms of self-confidence but the adrenalin pumping unfortunately ended up squandering the wealth of elation that we had painstakingly built up to that point, bringing the simplicity of starting with a moral and economic harm by the incalculable value. while we waited for the arrival of the DJs we have also started to make real nightclubbing occasionally migrating in the room next door, dj enzo because he claimed that for a balanced diet is recommended drink from different counters. Luckily we came back in time to hear the final geyser, this boy from Michigan who obviously flirting with the synthetic sounds of Central Europe has left a legacy of a haircut so little presentation that could only be performed by the hand of a German hairdresser . but such an arrogant display of bad taste has been heavily tempered with a final set simply epic, run by a raving review of Troy Pierce's 25 bitches which was soon transformed into an endless nightmare of martial minimal. Facts beat the brain for half an hour from the dripping of deaf snares, box spring and oscillators pointing downwards like a gun gambizzante you'll see that in the end you're ready to kill in the name of the low frequencies. now satisfied, during the performance of heartthrob I just happy to stumble in the middle of the track waiting for someone to drag me to come home. dj enzo instead came to place me down the throat with a deadly sausage sandwich that I have literally exploded in his stomach when he came in contact with effervescent aspirin I naively swallowed without first dissolving in water.
the intent was to prevent some of the surf the next day because I had to go to the wedding. but unfortunately I had to do a shameful effort to succeed in riinfilarmi inside the dress of the degree and drag in this church where I suffered a lot because of the priest who always made us stand up and sit down again after every two minutes, and I frankly was more of the mood of the place firmly on the ass wooden bench until the end the Mass, also due to a digestive system so shabby that I was almost tempted to eat the host to absorb a bit 'of gastric juices. the fifth time we have done nothing to stand up for myself and the first lady we did on the cabin and puppets and we went out to smoke cigarettes on the porch, waiting for was the time to go to the restaurant to suck the drink.
as a bonus track I suggest a visit to 24 hours party people Where on the page of photos of the M_nus party on Friday as well as to admire the outrageous haircut geyser, you can also enjoy a nice visual epiphany to photo number 38, which also shows below courtesy of Bob moz.

Gay Spots In Richmond


A life! A life, Jimmy, you know what that is?

Is that shit that happens
while you're waiting for moments that never come.

Detective Lester Freamon

Run up on his ass, and blast, like a rebel
Turn up the treble 'cause I hit you with the bass
Remember my name and remember my face
Remember these words and remember the taste
Snoop Dogg, Y'all gone miss me

days of posting wild: the best of scum

1. prova
2. on the road
3. sadness after football
4. when moz and boz are on my side
5. sadness after talking
6. portrait of my city as a rainy place
7. songs that saved my life: suede/coming up
8. rear window
9. scum alle olimpiadi infernali
10. el bajon postmundial
11. i like the smell of cheap beer in the morning: the scum guide to pukkelpop 2006
12. how to live an arabstrapless life
13. on the road again
14. nobody dance nobody get hurt
15. in it for free drinking: rise to power
16. cronache di un lungo viaggio alla ricerca del fondo


scumofsociety di hattrick ricreando tutti i giocatori dentro proevolutionsoccer. un cazzo di lavorone, però quando ci giochi sai esattamente per cosa cazzo hai faticato a fare. poi ancor meno paghi abbiamo anche deciso di ricrearci noi stessi e inserirci dentro le nostre squadre di hattrick ricreate dentro proevolutionsoccer. una roba da farci attribuire la schizofrenia onoraria. dj enzo è una tristissima mezza punta a fine carriera, evidentemente sovrappeso, logorato da una vita di eccessi, si trascina mestamente per il campo con una lentezza imbarazzante e ogni tanto lascia partire qualche sporadico colpo di classe. io invece sono un difensore dal tackle chirurgico con evidenti ambizioni centrocampistiche, un elegante stopper longileneo dalla chioma fluente e dagli zigomi taglienti, but technically robust, powerful, yet precise, strict but fair. So now we have taken the tour before you go to hear the DJ set on Friday nights he spends here, eat a thing and as part of the first round of bitter at the first lady politely ask permission to get up from the table to go to toddle our virtual alter ego. combination the other night dj enzo has received a barrage of slaps on the face that as long as I remember it, but I have certainly started a blog to boast of my achievements and then step further. St. Simon the dried before leaving we gave one more sip of brandy Petrarca, which has really threatened to be fatal because no time to put down the embankments to the dj enzo did the portfolio. everything stops. is good that these two young North Africans have the advantage that they spend their days sucking the green against the rest of us that we have this passion for the digestive instead that could cost us something in terms of lucidity. But while these two phenomena that were believed to be able to fuck with the wrong pitching alliance we have been taught that have yet to eat shit before you can get your hands on the weekly budget provided by dj enzo for the beverage on Friday evening. thinking hard and so long drinks at risk of not drinking because of the theft, we choose to react with all the brutality required by contingencies and take back the wallet with all the money in and all the documents in order, despite the fact that dj enzo would have been useful to lose your license so you can replace the embarrassing photos of him with an eighteen year old afro hair. and at the score of the evening brandy petrarca 1 - green tea with mint 0. this vicissitude has brought something in terms of self-confidence but the adrenalin pumping unfortunately ended up squandering the wealth of elation that we had painstakingly built up to that point, bringing the simplicity of starting with a moral and economic harm by the incalculable value. while we waited for the arrival of the DJs we have also started to make real nightclubbing occasionally migrating in the room next door, dj enzo because he claimed that for a balanced diet is recommended drink from different counters. Luckily we came back in time to hear the final geyser, this boy from Michigan who obviously flirting with the synthetic sounds of Central Europe has left a legacy of a haircut so little presentation that could only be performed by the hand of a German hairdresser . but such an arrogant display of bad taste has been heavily tempered with a final set simply epic, run by a raving review of Troy Pierce's 25 bitches which was soon transformed into an endless nightmare of martial minimal. Facts beat the brain for half an hour from the dripping of deaf snares, box spring and oscillators pointing downwards like a gun gambizzante you'll see that in the end you're ready to kill in the name of the low frequencies. now satisfied, during the performance of heartthrob I just happy to stumble in the middle of the track waiting for someone to drag me to come home. dj enzo instead came to place me down the throat with a deadly sausage sandwich that I have literally exploded in his stomach when he came in contact with effervescent aspirin I naively swallowed without first dissolving in water.
the intent was to prevent some of the surf the next day because I had to go to the wedding. but unfortunately I had to do a shameful effort to succeed in riinfilarmi inside the dress of the degree and drag in this church where I suffered a lot because of the priest who always made us stand up and sit down again after every two minutes, and I frankly was more of the mood of the place firmly on the ass wooden bench until the end the Mass, also due to a digestive system so shabby that I was almost tempted to eat the host to absorb a bit 'of gastric juices. the fifth time we have done nothing to stand up for myself and the first lady we did on the cabin and puppets and we went out to smoke cigarettes on the porch, waiting for was the time to go to the restaurant to suck the drink.
as a bonus track I suggest a visit to 24 hours party people Where on the page of photos of the M_nus party on Friday as well as to admire the outrageous haircut geyser, you can also enjoy a nice visual epiphany to photo number 38, which also shows below courtesy of Bob moz.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Carmax Estimate In Chicago

bulletproof on the t-shirts/because they hate us (extended version)

the beginning I who accompany me in a convent, which would be the place where I have done to stay in for a week. first blasphemy discharged after three minutes flat, when I stumbled out of the elevator, because even inside the lair of the wolf I am certainly not one of those who are intimidated. at the end of the tale but I'm here for me to walk away from convent shaken by tremors of the surf that I sawed off the legs. I also feel the phone vibrate on but when I pick up I have to note that the vibranza rather than the phone seems to be caused by the walls of my stomach that are crumbling noise in a painful process autodigestivo caused by an overdose of the bitter herbs. the bitter because they are bastards when they have finished digesting the stuff to eat are beginning to attack the internal organs and even those you digest. head me feel as if I had shit in there and bend your knees are terribly under the weight of this bag that hangs from my shoulder. That's why I limp to the side is the phenomenon that I have put together room, a boy of twenty years with the beard who despite his tender age is already proving a promising young dell'aggrappamento ancient art at the bar. it must be said that his compulsion for lifting small glass containers, and his obsessive need to see any kind of audiovisual product remind me somewhat of the same pre-erasmus me a few years ago. the problem is not so much me that I see myself in him as a young man, he should rather be worrying about the fact of seeing potential in me as an old man himself, a kind of memento mori peddler had received from God himself, visual epiphany in the brain that should print the photograph of the miserable that could become bankrupt in a few years if it begins to straighten the path. Then they put us to work with a girl. Kaiser, who was our leader (God's name do you do when foreshadows the fate ...), I suppose that had infiltrated to put a little 'common sense and good taste within the microcosm of our business. resounding failure, since it consists in the guise of a degree in Literature was hiding a slurp of rare vehemence of aperitifs, and stocks are primarily responsible for annihilation of St. Simon of confidence from our bar (the image of the owner of the cafe goes out to buy a bottle of St. Simon the bar beside me will remain long in the memory). a underemployed like me, that for once he happens to work a week he'd like to maybe make a good impression, supported a character in the middle of a working day of negroni forces you to swallow on an empty stomach was the part of Kaiser blatant misconduct as well as a trap to test the limits of my feeble skills. among other things, not content with giving yet another tombstone on my career she was also the person that I froze publicly define an irritating person. since I am used to being worshiped like a pagan god of all individuals to whom they grant the privilege of attending a moment I was blown away and it took three rounds of Amaro Braulio before my self-esteem back to above the alert level. so that one wonders what a fine job that could combine a well-stocked team like ours. but fortunately the direction of the festival had taken care to hide all three under the wing of a teetotaler, a character that I would call the leaders of Franco Baresi Hall of film festivals: expert, precise, clean interventions, and technically morally irreproachable and ability to master a repulsion to the debauchery that will surely prolong his career a few decades. with him in the control room to pull the strings I could spend a week in a crowded place without publicly humiliate me even once. I are long and vainly tried to find a precedent. to people as outcasts like me should not do is hand over the keys of his life in hopes of being guided to a dignified existence.
work there so we organized the way God intended, we have cordoned off the worst film of the curve guests to the stage and see people lined up like a herd of lambs ready for slaughter has been a joy to behold. walking board fences and hanging out with my credit long coat flapping anticipating the pleasure of leaving people out of the room was a bit of exercise of power which again I can hardly do without. and I can not do without even the adrenaline rush that comes when people sbarella why you left them out and begin to cover them with insults. unfortunately it happened once when a fat guy yelling that we were attacked dogs and we had to retire to private life, as if being there in the middle was not part of our squalid private life. combination that once there he found the kaiser in the front row and I frankly I thought we'd lost. I was there with spoon in hand ready to pick up the remains of his body torn apart by the fury of a duecentinaio of film fans in abstinence but then when we were able to close the doors and barricade themselves inside the cinema until the cold weather have scattered the flocks of troublemakers. another aspect that I like much of this work is the ability to enter at will in the projectionist's cabin to go every ten minutes to break up the balls to the peaceful and solitary individuals who have decided to sacrifice their lives for the extraction of heavy circular coils. the reasons for the crushing could be the most diverse, the focus position of the picture, the volume too high a ghostly patches of light that pollute the sharpness of the screen. I also wrote some very nice conversations that I then had the courage to stage, I kind of stuff that by saying "oh, look at the picture goes out fuoco sui campi lunghi”, e quando lui mi chiedeva “lunghi come?” io gli rispondevo “lunghi come 'sto cazzo!!!!!”. da morir dal ridere veramente. un'esperienza dalla quale potete intuirmi maturato sia umanamente che professionalmente, come peraltro nella maggior parte delle mie
trasferte lavorative

che tendono ogni volta a trasformarsi da prestigiose occasioni di crescita in patetiche scuse per sbevazzare come un deficiente e fumare come un ergastolano.

tra l'altro leggo poi nei commenti al mio ultimo post una serie di improbabili incitazioni a continuare a scrivere. non posso però fare a meno di constatare come dopo 4 anni di onorata carriera il mio blog si sia ormai trasformato in una humiliating string of reports of events that we could summarize in the diagram: me in some more or less defined geographical context that alcohol consumption surrounded by a cast of characters of dubious morality. I think striving to be successful even for a moment just imagine in the next episodes of the series without forcing them to spend their afternoons tear their fingertips on the keyboard, however, accounted for a moment you.


Carmax Estimate In Chicago

bulletproof on the t-shirts/because they hate us (extended version)

the beginning I who accompany me in a convent, which would be the place where I have done to stay in for a week. first blasphemy discharged after three minutes flat, when I stumbled out of the elevator, because even inside the lair of the wolf I am certainly not one of those who are intimidated. at the end of the tale but I'm here for me to walk away from convent shaken by tremors of the surf that I sawed off the legs. I also feel the phone vibrate on but when I pick up I have to note that the vibranza rather than the phone seems to be caused by the walls of my stomach that are crumbling noise in a painful process autodigestivo caused by an overdose of the bitter herbs. the bitter because they are bastards when they have finished digesting the stuff to eat are beginning to attack the internal organs and even those you digest. head me feel as if I had shit in there and bend your knees are terribly under the weight of this bag that hangs from my shoulder. That's why I limp to the side is the phenomenon that I have put together room, a boy of twenty years with the beard who despite his tender age is already proving a promising young dell'aggrappamento ancient art at the bar. it must be said that his compulsion for lifting small glass containers, and his obsessive need to see any kind of audiovisual product remind me somewhat of the same pre-erasmus me a few years ago. the problem is not so much me that I see myself in him as a young man, he should rather be worrying about the fact of seeing potential in me as an old man himself, a kind of memento mori peddler had received from God himself, visual epiphany in the brain that should print the photograph of the miserable that could become bankrupt in a few years if it begins to straighten the path. Then they put us to work with a girl. Kaiser, who was our leader (God's name do you do when foreshadows the fate ...), I suppose that had infiltrated to put a little 'common sense and good taste within the microcosm of our business. resounding failure, since it consists in the guise of a degree in Literature was hiding a slurp of rare vehemence of aperitifs, and stocks are primarily responsible for annihilation of St. Simon of confidence from our bar (the image of the owner of the cafe goes out to buy a bottle of St. Simon the bar beside me will remain long in the memory). a underemployed like me, that for once he happens to work a week he'd like to maybe make a good impression, supported a character in the middle of a working day of negroni forces you to swallow on an empty stomach was the part of Kaiser blatant misconduct as well as a trap to test the limits of my feeble skills. among other things, not content with giving yet another tombstone on my career she was also the person that I froze publicly define an irritating person. since I am used to being worshiped like a pagan god of all individuals to whom they grant the privilege of attending a moment I was blown away and it took three rounds of Amaro Braulio before my self-esteem back to above the alert level. so that one wonders what a fine job that could combine a well-stocked team like ours. but fortunately the direction of the festival had taken care to hide all three under the wing of a teetotaler, a character that I would call the leaders of Franco Baresi Hall of film festivals: expert, precise, clean interventions, and technically morally irreproachable and ability to master a repulsion to the debauchery that will surely prolong his career a few decades. with him in the control room to pull the strings I could spend a week in a crowded place without publicly humiliate me even once. I are long and vainly tried to find a precedent. to people as outcasts like me should not do is hand over the keys of his life in hopes of being guided to a dignified existence.
work there so we organized the way God intended, we have cordoned off the worst film of the curve guests to the stage and see people lined up like a herd of lambs ready for slaughter has been a joy to behold. walking board fences and hanging out with my credit long coat flapping anticipating the pleasure of leaving people out of the room was a bit of exercise of power which again I can hardly do without. and I can not do without even the adrenaline rush that comes when people sbarella why you left them out and begin to cover them with insults. unfortunately it happened once when a fat guy yelling that we were attacked dogs and we had to retire to private life, as if being there in the middle was not part of our squalid private life. combination that once there he found the kaiser in the front row and I frankly I thought we'd lost. I was there with spoon in hand ready to pick up the remains of his body torn apart by the fury of a duecentinaio of film fans in abstinence but then when we were able to close the doors and barricade themselves inside the cinema until the cold weather have scattered the flocks of troublemakers. another aspect that I like much of this work is the ability to enter at will in the projectionist's cabin to go every ten minutes to break up the balls to the peaceful and solitary individuals who have decided to sacrifice their lives for the extraction of heavy circular coils. the reasons for the crushing could be the most diverse, the focus position of the picture, the volume too high a ghostly patches of light that pollute the sharpness of the screen. I also wrote some very nice conversations that I then had the courage to stage, I kind of stuff that by saying "oh, look at the picture goes out fuoco sui campi lunghi”, e quando lui mi chiedeva “lunghi come?” io gli rispondevo “lunghi come 'sto cazzo!!!!!”. da morir dal ridere veramente. un'esperienza dalla quale potete intuirmi maturato sia umanamente che professionalmente, come peraltro nella maggior parte delle mie
trasferte lavorative

che tendono ogni volta a trasformarsi da prestigiose occasioni di crescita in patetiche scuse per sbevazzare come un deficiente e fumare come un ergastolano.

tra l'altro leggo poi nei commenti al mio ultimo post una serie di improbabili incitazioni a continuare a scrivere. non posso però fare a meno di constatare come dopo 4 anni di onorata carriera il mio blog si sia ormai trasformato in una humiliating string of reports of events that we could summarize in the diagram: me in some more or less defined geographical context that alcohol consumption surrounded by a cast of characters of dubious morality. I think striving to be successful even for a moment just imagine in the next episodes of the series without forcing them to spend their afternoons tear their fingertips on the keyboard, however, accounted for a moment you.


Friday, April 6, 2007

Pokemon Yelow For Gpsphone

lullaby for the working class vol. 6: drink on duty and other professional felonies

fuck am disappointed. Bass will be the paradise I had a mythical moment, because then once we walked in he was not son of enjoyment that I quest'apoteosi I foreshadowed in my warped mind of the worshiper subwoofer. when they told us that they had struck down the tweeter speakers, tweeter, all speakers of all the fucking, I'm like, fuck I care, so I came here to pump the bass. I so my goal in life is to make you hear frequencies in single digits, scrape the plaster from the walls during Anti War Dub Digital Mystikz, hear gurgling stomachs for unhealthy vibranza Revolution 5 Roots Manuva feat. Chali 2na. that when I land in a theatrical console as a wrestler the first thing I do is execute the high and medium through a work of cruel smanopolamento. once rose even danilo, dj-grower, to scold because said I was exaggerating. danilo dick in my opinion is that he is exaggerating with its manifestations of stardom as an actress of the silent cinema. now has become our Pete Doherty, the other three that we always go to serious work, laid, professional, but he now looks exhausted by the excesses in the evenings. the other night that I was not an aspirin dissolved in a glass of white Nardini and after that was so sbarellato dj enzo had to intervene to help push the open button on the CD player because he could not. and same here this evening, has barricaded himself inside the dressing room in a state of deterioration screaming that he is a professional and without the tweeter was not working. wanted to send my cousin to dismantle the platform of the machine to connect to our sound, only that my cousin had mounted only on the point because he says that while the subwoofer when you walk down the street to girls interested to hear just that, then no point in wasting money to components of the audio is not conducive to vaginal lubrication. among other things must be said that before coming here in the room we went to dinner at a restaurant and he and dj enzo have spent the time talking about pussy loudly hoping to impress the two girls sitting next to that fact got up and went away in the mid-starters. and the funny stuff is that dj enzo then dumped me as usual, the responsibility on me because according to him since he started dating does not go into the hole once it has one. I do not know, maybe then it really my fault, but what little I remember of the subtle mechanisms of seduction I think women see you when you Pintone drains a one and a half of red canavese tend not to identify yourself as a potential father of their children.

after when we go into the room must be said that before us there was a band playing Balkan music. were actually of very good person, unfortunately I only have this problem with Balkan music that makes me really want him to die. I hear those trombones and accordions as I'm scratching my brain grow in a disturbing grudge against the person of Goran Bregovic, the main architect of the proliferation of a custom music created with the specific intent to undermine my sanity. the people around me is happy. every hop and every smile is for me a razor in the lower abdomen. I shit inside that trombone.

have been able to imagine what will people think of me that five minutes before hopping and happy but now there is still and staring at an angry jerk with the megadeth shirt from behind the console can not do anything but invest them with a hail of distorted bass and mournful. now I would be willing to hear once again all night soundtrack black cat white cat just to beg for a handful of high frequencies. sound speakers spewing mud indistinguishable that this gives the appearance of the room empty worst outbreak of smallpox. it pains me to admit it, but I had to realize that a life without high and medium without it is not worth living. Daniel leaves the dressing room to tell us that he had said. I had prepared a DJ set to the theme with which I dreamed of exporting out of my room the concept of gangsta reggae, but my stories silent killer Rastafarians and rhymes that tell of skulls uncovered a glock shots are expected to remain closed inside my briefcase. we alternate the console annihilated by anxiety until such time as finally we are told to go away because there is no one to listen. quell'avvinazzato anybody except the bar to which I promised that I would put on something anna oxa.


Pokemon Yelow For Gpsphone

lullaby for the working class vol. 6: drink on duty and other professional felonies

fuck am disappointed. Bass will be the paradise I had a mythical moment, because then once we walked in he was not son of enjoyment that I quest'apoteosi I foreshadowed in my warped mind of the worshiper subwoofer. when they told us that they had struck down the tweeter speakers, tweeter, all speakers of all the fucking, I'm like, fuck I care, so I came here to pump the bass. I so my goal in life is to make you hear frequencies in single digits, scrape the plaster from the walls during Anti War Dub Digital Mystikz, hear gurgling stomachs for unhealthy vibranza Revolution 5 Roots Manuva feat. Chali 2na. that when I land in a theatrical console as a wrestler the first thing I do is execute the high and medium through a work of cruel smanopolamento. once rose even danilo, dj-grower, to scold because said I was exaggerating. danilo dick in my opinion is that he is exaggerating with its manifestations of stardom as an actress of the silent cinema. now has become our Pete Doherty, the other three that we always go to serious work, laid, professional, but he now looks exhausted by the excesses in the evenings. the other night that I was not an aspirin dissolved in a glass of white Nardini and after that was so sbarellato dj enzo had to intervene to help push the open button on the CD player because he could not. and same here this evening, has barricaded himself inside the dressing room in a state of deterioration screaming that he is a professional and without the tweeter was not working. wanted to send my cousin to dismantle the platform of the machine to connect to our sound, only that my cousin had mounted only on the point because he says that while the subwoofer when you walk down the street to girls interested to hear just that, then no point in wasting money to components of the audio is not conducive to vaginal lubrication. among other things must be said that before coming here in the room we went to dinner at a restaurant and he and dj enzo have spent the time talking about pussy loudly hoping to impress the two girls sitting next to that fact got up and went away in the mid-starters. and the funny stuff is that dj enzo then dumped me as usual, the responsibility on me because according to him since he started dating does not go into the hole once it has one. I do not know, maybe then it really my fault, but what little I remember of the subtle mechanisms of seduction I think women see you when you Pintone drains a one and a half of red canavese tend not to identify yourself as a potential father of their children.

after when we go into the room must be said that before us there was a band playing Balkan music. were actually of very good person, unfortunately I only have this problem with Balkan music that makes me really want him to die. I hear those trombones and accordions as I'm scratching my brain grow in a disturbing grudge against the person of Goran Bregovic, the main architect of the proliferation of a custom music created with the specific intent to undermine my sanity. the people around me is happy. every hop and every smile is for me a razor in the lower abdomen. I shit inside that trombone.

have been able to imagine what will people think of me that five minutes before hopping and happy but now there is still and staring at an angry jerk with the megadeth shirt from behind the console can not do anything but invest them with a hail of distorted bass and mournful. now I would be willing to hear once again all night soundtrack black cat white cat just to beg for a handful of high frequencies. sound speakers spewing mud indistinguishable that this gives the appearance of the room empty worst outbreak of smallpox. it pains me to admit it, but I had to realize that a life without high and medium without it is not worth living. Daniel leaves the dressing room to tell us that he had said. I had prepared a DJ set to the theme with which I dreamed of exporting out of my room the concept of gangsta reggae, but my stories silent killer Rastafarians and rhymes that tell of skulls uncovered a glock shots are expected to remain closed inside my briefcase. we alternate the console annihilated by anxiety until such time as finally we are told to go away because there is no one to listen. quell'avvinazzato anybody except the bar to which I promised that I would put on something anna oxa.


Monday, March 12, 2007

Rifle Scopes In Digital Camo

the beauty and the bass

dj enzo and I have called you to write to the newspaper. ready. they send you emails with what you have to write, I write and then delivers it to him for time and are all happy. they find themselves with a magazine filled with the juice of our coveted feathers, the rest of us go around on a Saturday night without pay and in addition there have also been an article in the newspaper in which they made this photo of the four of us con lo sguardo liquido con sotto una didascalia che dice non chiamateli perché vi saccheggiano il bar e metton su della musica di merda. dj enzo ha anche avuto da recriminare perché dentro l’articolo non hanno scritto niente dei suoi progetti. io gli faccio, ma scusa, a me mi sembra che te non c’hai nessun progetto se non quello di andare in giro la sera a bere come un cretino e dar fastidio alle ragazze. allora per consolarlo abbiam fatto sfrecciare i polpastrelli sul gamepad e così ho fatto anche in tempo a fargli il culo a strisce a proevolutionsoccer finchè lo storione in umido non finiva di cuocere. al pueblo siamo di nuovo in formazione d’emergenza perché quel bastardo assenteista di danilo doveva andare al carnevale di ivrea a tirare oranges with the patented core cast for the occasion. among other things touches on the accelerator pushed to one because we fly out, I personally I had wasted all afternoon low spreading through the neighborhood trying to open up new horizons of perception of sound, I then restricted the evening to try to condense ' King Tubby's entire discography in a set of 45 minutes, without forget to wink to the new mutations dubbismo more exaggerated reverb of the room and soaking in an orgy of painful umidissimi low frequencies, because even though it's Saturday evening and you just want to have fun and booze to me happily I must always remember that the world is nothing but a bowl full of scorching anguish, misery, death and despair. salute the poor Fabietto tonight seems that touches take the place of our asses rogue behind the console for the rest of the evening. we arrive at the place where those of the magazine have given us credit for free admission, but it is with utmost indignation that we discover that we have to wait in line along with all those other bags of shit that should be the release to enter. at some point we must also act to give dj enzo who tried to approach the bouncer and asked him if there was a fast track for two large pieces of journalism Savoy like us, only that this man with huge biceps on chest retains merely respond with a look so full of indifference mixed with contempt mixed with an atavistic ready to get their hands on people that we have decided to lower the ears to get back in line with other kids. Meanwhile, however, when we entered we were then printed on the back of his right hand for this special stamp bluish journalists level that we have found that it gave you the right to go to the counter and whisper in the ear of the barman your most unmentionable desires and he was required to satisfy them without you had to give him money in return. all the other assholes who made the card and stamped before leaving he had to do to get pass the bill, and us alone instead of with the performance of the hand ordering the bottle and poured it into the glass. the day after I showed him the stamp to my mother, this being the biggest success in my adult life.

dj enzo considered how he would feel as a person made for eternity could extend the power of the stamp, especially combining it with another stamp on the back of his left hand by showing that all women were required to concederglisi. However I must say that we have acted professionally, and avoid abusing the privilege to receive is limited to only drink beverages that are strictly necessary to asciugare l'arsura di una notte di metà febbraio. ai piatti c'è questo celebre dj che sul giornalino dj enzo per non saper né leggere né scrivere aveva magnificato come un maestro di tecnica, una leggenda vivente, un profeta dell'arte del mixaggio, e che a una più attenta analisi si è rivelato essere piuttosto un povero cazzaro senza talento venuto a rubare il lavoro ai dj locali ridotti per colpa sua a passare i sabati notte al bancone invece che alla consolle. usciamo indignati, non prima di aver ordinato un altro paio di bottiglie di birra da infilarci nelle tasche interne dei cappotti per poi ritapparle dentro il frigo di casa.


Rifle Scopes In Digital Camo

the beauty and the bass

dj enzo and I have called you to write to the newspaper. ready. they send you emails with what you have to write, I write and then delivers it to him for time and are all happy. they find themselves with a magazine filled with the juice of our coveted feathers, the rest of us go around on a Saturday night without pay and in addition there have also been an article in the newspaper in which they made this photo of the four of us con lo sguardo liquido con sotto una didascalia che dice non chiamateli perché vi saccheggiano il bar e metton su della musica di merda. dj enzo ha anche avuto da recriminare perché dentro l’articolo non hanno scritto niente dei suoi progetti. io gli faccio, ma scusa, a me mi sembra che te non c’hai nessun progetto se non quello di andare in giro la sera a bere come un cretino e dar fastidio alle ragazze. allora per consolarlo abbiam fatto sfrecciare i polpastrelli sul gamepad e così ho fatto anche in tempo a fargli il culo a strisce a proevolutionsoccer finchè lo storione in umido non finiva di cuocere. al pueblo siamo di nuovo in formazione d’emergenza perché quel bastardo assenteista di danilo doveva andare al carnevale di ivrea a tirare oranges with the patented core cast for the occasion. among other things touches on the accelerator pushed to one because we fly out, I personally I had wasted all afternoon low spreading through the neighborhood trying to open up new horizons of perception of sound, I then restricted the evening to try to condense ' King Tubby's entire discography in a set of 45 minutes, without forget to wink to the new mutations dubbismo more exaggerated reverb of the room and soaking in an orgy of painful umidissimi low frequencies, because even though it's Saturday evening and you just want to have fun and booze to me happily I must always remember that the world is nothing but a bowl full of scorching anguish, misery, death and despair. salute the poor Fabietto tonight seems that touches take the place of our asses rogue behind the console for the rest of the evening. we arrive at the place where those of the magazine have given us credit for free admission, but it is with utmost indignation that we discover that we have to wait in line along with all those other bags of shit that should be the release to enter. at some point we must also act to give dj enzo who tried to approach the bouncer and asked him if there was a fast track for two large pieces of journalism Savoy like us, only that this man with huge biceps on chest retains merely respond with a look so full of indifference mixed with contempt mixed with an atavistic ready to get their hands on people that we have decided to lower the ears to get back in line with other kids. Meanwhile, however, when we entered we were then printed on the back of his right hand for this special stamp bluish journalists level that we have found that it gave you the right to go to the counter and whisper in the ear of the barman your most unmentionable desires and he was required to satisfy them without you had to give him money in return. all the other assholes who made the card and stamped before leaving he had to do to get pass the bill, and us alone instead of with the performance of the hand ordering the bottle and poured it into the glass. the day after I showed him the stamp to my mother, this being the biggest success in my adult life.

dj enzo considered how he would feel as a person made for eternity could extend the power of the stamp, especially combining it with another stamp on the back of his left hand by showing that all women were required to concederglisi. However I must say that we have acted professionally, and avoid abusing the privilege to receive is limited to only drink beverages that are strictly necessary to asciugare l'arsura di una notte di metà febbraio. ai piatti c'è questo celebre dj che sul giornalino dj enzo per non saper né leggere né scrivere aveva magnificato come un maestro di tecnica, una leggenda vivente, un profeta dell'arte del mixaggio, e che a una più attenta analisi si è rivelato essere piuttosto un povero cazzaro senza talento venuto a rubare il lavoro ai dj locali ridotti per colpa sua a passare i sabati notte al bancone invece che alla consolle. usciamo indignati, non prima di aver ordinato un altro paio di bottiglie di birra da infilarci nelle tasche interne dei cappotti per poi ritapparle dentro il frigo di casa.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Do I Use Biotene For My Monroe Piercing?

in it for free drinking: rise to power

the most humiliating thing was undoubtedly the next morning at half past seven I was waiting for the bus door to the palace dressed as a country priest as I roamed around the North African children who were at school with all their beautiful hood of his sweatshirt pulled on a baseball cap, and I could not help but feel jealous of their estates by gangsta rapper, his eyes grew moist with tears me for the lost dignity. when I arrive I am made to sit on a plastic chair who will support my ass for an unreasonably long period of time. the usual twenty boots behind the desk continues to raise the volume of the tribal house in the hope of covering the motivational frightening screams coming from behind a closed door. In fact, after a few minutes to file away a few dozen highly motivated employees that support the well-dressed colored backpacks. I come from the chair and picked the one entrusted to me is presented as il miglior dipendente dell'azienda, che a giudicare dalla giacca che gli spunta da sotto il cappotto arrivando a lambirgli le ginocchia sembra essere anche l'unica persona nella stanza vestita peggio di me. intuisco che questo lavoro non mi renderà milionario quando vengo fatto accomodare sull'automobile aziendale, una tipo 1.6 coi sedili cosparsi di gratta e vinci accartocciati. partiamo lasciandoci alle spalle i confini della città, senza che io abbia ancora capito cosa cazzo ci sto facendo dentro una tipo arrugginita alle nove del mattino pinzato sul sedile di dietro in mezzo a quattro completi sconosciuti. avrei preferito continuare a non saperlo, invece mi viene rivelato che gli zainetti colorati sono stracolmi di telefoni cellulari e che io tra poco verrò introduced into the exciting world of selling door to door. then I'm like the model employee, but an excuse, and organizing events? sure, he says, perhaps next month they send us to distribute the gadget in roadside restaurants. very well. dismantle them in a town where there have never been before, I do offer breakfast and when we are ready to vanish from me pretending to be ill. dj enzo phone, he lives in the suburbs, and I try to explain me how the fuck you leave this place Alien immersed in a blanket of fog. I hold her in the coat but the air inside edge creeps me the light wool pants are frozen toes. I am alone, cold, inhospitable and in a strange city, hunted by four warring travelers Trade with the armed wing of a series of powerful business slogan. still no idea on how to walk away from this shit pond in which they are bogged down by a number of years.


Do I Use Biotene For My Monroe Piercing?

in it for free drinking: rise to power

the most humiliating thing was undoubtedly the next morning at half past seven I was waiting for the bus door to the palace dressed as a country priest as I roamed around the North African children who were at school with all their beautiful hood of his sweatshirt pulled on a baseball cap, and I could not help but feel jealous of their estates by gangsta rapper, his eyes grew moist with tears me for the lost dignity. when I arrive I am made to sit on a plastic chair who will support my ass for an unreasonably long period of time. the usual twenty boots behind the desk continues to raise the volume of the tribal house in the hope of covering the motivational frightening screams coming from behind a closed door. In fact, after a few minutes to file away a few dozen highly motivated employees that support the well-dressed colored backpacks. I come from the chair and picked the one entrusted to me is presented as il miglior dipendente dell'azienda, che a giudicare dalla giacca che gli spunta da sotto il cappotto arrivando a lambirgli le ginocchia sembra essere anche l'unica persona nella stanza vestita peggio di me. intuisco che questo lavoro non mi renderà milionario quando vengo fatto accomodare sull'automobile aziendale, una tipo 1.6 coi sedili cosparsi di gratta e vinci accartocciati. partiamo lasciandoci alle spalle i confini della città, senza che io abbia ancora capito cosa cazzo ci sto facendo dentro una tipo arrugginita alle nove del mattino pinzato sul sedile di dietro in mezzo a quattro completi sconosciuti. avrei preferito continuare a non saperlo, invece mi viene rivelato che gli zainetti colorati sono stracolmi di telefoni cellulari e che io tra poco verrò introduced into the exciting world of selling door to door. then I'm like the model employee, but an excuse, and organizing events? sure, he says, perhaps next month they send us to distribute the gadget in roadside restaurants. very well. dismantle them in a town where there have never been before, I do offer breakfast and when we are ready to vanish from me pretending to be ill. dj enzo phone, he lives in the suburbs, and I try to explain me how the fuck you leave this place Alien immersed in a blanket of fog. I hold her in the coat but the air inside edge creeps me the light wool pants are frozen toes. I am alone, cold, inhospitable and in a strange city, hunted by four warring travelers Trade with the armed wing of a series of powerful business slogan. still no idea on how to walk away from this shit pond in which they are bogged down by a number of years.


Thursday, February 8, 2007

Make Up Brushes What Need To Know

lullaby for the working class vol.5: cronache di un lungo viaggio alla ricerca del fondo

dj drama free!

Make Up Brushes What Need To Know

lullaby for the working class vol.5: cronache di un lungo viaggio alla ricerca del fondo

dj drama free!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Human Resources Generalist Cover Letter Samples

a couple of miles away from the sea level, but basically for me the only difference between winter and summer is that instead of trays with mixed fried me they stick in their hands in bowls with the polenta and sausage with juniper, this Saturday here fast delivery because there is to go home, shower, feed the cats and leave as fast as the wind, not to say, however, with the last cup coffee served hot in there that I am already at second slip turns and stop and resume with the roaring micra down the streets and get well when he saw the toll that time written on the ticket did not believe it, pont saint martin-turin 45 minutes from box to box with fitted skirt, which at eight o'clock we have a special train full of hunters beat away up the mountains again migrated to the hunting of superproduttore DJ sets come from the far north at the end of the year that we had to sigh like the girls on his record of intimacy dub superlevigati female vocals and some powerful erection.

all seem more like olds on leave hunched under the weight of bottles of cabernet and banks of discount birraccia crauta, the rest of us anything, dj enzo saber half a mineral that was left in a rucksack, I I've got a mars that I cheated you came away in the bar where I worked and those other two parasites and fabio Cristian nothing, not even a joy to saw fruit in four to pump at least endorphins sugar. I see the car of preadolescents who slurp is a thirst that I'd give anal virginity in exchange for a little stagnant cl Hollandia traditionally brewed in the bottom of a can wrinkled, but in the end we did well because the trip lasted a lady of shit four and us poor old shit if attacked us running away from drinking pee every five minutes. The fact is that does not pass a cock and my irritation sobrioindotta increases exponentially due to the fact that dj enzo I do not ever want to say what is missing. caliamo down by special train after an unreasonable amount of time and finally resulted in bardonerchia, rare mountain town of futility that will soon be razed to make us land a super-fast railway line, which is good because the trip takes less than first and second when arrive at least you are not longer before this town that is reduced to a frightening climb that now discourages our fragile bodies battered by decades of abuse. Therefore, it remains to camp out in the bottom bar up stuffing them all accessible without concussion, which must have caused some bartenders in a feeling of deja vu because at one point we had to start over.

beautiful the place appointed to receive our dj Scandinavian mountain Enel power plant for a number of contingencies megadiscoteca Airasca looked like a Sunday afternoon, having been populated by a quantity with the embarrassing sixteen sweater tight against your bare skin , av neckline that opens up hairless chests and elastic, which disappears below the belt buckle is covered with fake diamonds to witness all discomfort and the bad of life of a generation that I prayed that a turbine is rebelling and fired him with a storm of kilowatts to end the carnage. the only one who seems to wallow in this scenario pleasantly meandering immorality is the usual dj enzo, who is also able to be repeatedly palpate the pack a little girl in apparent overdose of vodka and redbull, also causing a certain amount of envy by of his fellow passengers saw that the evening did not offer much more, since the brilliant producer by the name of trentmoller turned out to be nothing but a bad dj

evident in overweight

he thought of giving us an unforgettable evening inserting in the lineup at the start of a seven nation army set with which he sent to see a crowd of preteens, but also our strongly magnetized balls to the floor. a rare move that infantilism is rising exponentially

my already visceral contempt for his race of mangiamerluzzi

, first cookie that matches the Europeans to eliminate us by surprise and then come here to jump on the bandwagon hoping to receive roars and slaps on the back for your brilliant insight. but you trentmǿller who the fuck you know? what the fuck you want? maybe we should think about that instead of futbol think to lose weight, a lifetime of sucking kippers and have absorbed all the cholesterol and no phosphorus.

a DJ set, and so we really wanted to finish the week after five fucking minutes, draining away fast as people complain about the crowds at the entrance where a worrying lack of police brutality against these subhumans who jostle for enter. we try to drink away the disappointment but we end up soon with our other peers on the benches to sleep in the station waiting for the arrival of the train that we must bring in, but meanwhile, the satisfaction is that I have arrived at the station on with journal zompettato fresh a rotary arm dribbling under a forest of spewing kids who have yet to eat shit before you can compete with the rest of us of the old school, we maintain the decorum despite dj presumptuous that we sfanculano evenings and grappa poor that we burn in the stomach, and that we keep his head high in the face of adversity in life, how to get home at seven in the morning was clear drunk and find the floor strewn with shards of glass tiles that sparkle because Zazie groping in the dark of night She must have come across in my dell'idrolitina bottle, and I walk on in the hope that the sound of glass that shatters under amphibians could cover the sound of oaths that I echo in my soul.

Dj enzo we thank for the post with whom he has pierced my alcoholic amnesia and waffankhulig is required for a post that I did not want to write.


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a couple of miles away from the sea level, but basically for me the only difference between winter and summer is that instead of trays with mixed fried me they stick in their hands in bowls with the polenta and sausage with juniper, this Saturday here fast delivery because there is to go home, shower, feed the cats and leave as fast as the wind, not to say, however, with the last cup coffee served hot in there that I am already at second slip turns and stop and resume with the roaring micra down the streets and get well when he saw the toll that time written on the ticket did not believe it, pont saint martin-turin 45 minutes from box to box with fitted skirt, which at eight o'clock we have a special train full of hunters beat away up the mountains again migrated to the hunting of superproduttore DJ sets come from the far north at the end of the year that we had to sigh like the girls on his record of intimacy dub superlevigati female vocals and some powerful erection.

all seem more like olds on leave hunched under the weight of bottles of cabernet and banks of discount birraccia crauta, the rest of us anything, dj enzo saber half a mineral that was left in a rucksack, I I've got a mars that I cheated you came away in the bar where I worked and those other two parasites and fabio Cristian nothing, not even a joy to saw fruit in four to pump at least endorphins sugar. I see the car of preadolescents who slurp is a thirst that I'd give anal virginity in exchange for a little stagnant cl Hollandia traditionally brewed in the bottom of a can wrinkled, but in the end we did well because the trip lasted a lady of shit four and us poor old shit if attacked us running away from drinking pee every five minutes. The fact is that does not pass a cock and my irritation sobrioindotta increases exponentially due to the fact that dj enzo I do not ever want to say what is missing. caliamo down by special train after an unreasonable amount of time and finally resulted in bardonerchia, rare mountain town of futility that will soon be razed to make us land a super-fast railway line, which is good because the trip takes less than first and second when arrive at least you are not longer before this town that is reduced to a frightening climb that now discourages our fragile bodies battered by decades of abuse. Therefore, it remains to camp out in the bottom bar up stuffing them all accessible without concussion, which must have caused some bartenders in a feeling of deja vu because at one point we had to start over.

beautiful the place appointed to receive our dj Scandinavian mountain Enel power plant for a number of contingencies megadiscoteca Airasca looked like a Sunday afternoon, having been populated by a quantity with the embarrassing sixteen sweater tight against your bare skin , av neckline that opens up hairless chests and elastic, which disappears below the belt buckle is covered with fake diamonds to witness all discomfort and the bad of life of a generation that I prayed that a turbine is rebelling and fired him with a storm of kilowatts to end the carnage. the only one who seems to wallow in this scenario pleasantly meandering immorality is the usual dj enzo, who is also able to be repeatedly palpate the pack a little girl in apparent overdose of vodka and redbull, also causing a certain amount of envy by of his fellow passengers saw that the evening did not offer much more, since the brilliant producer by the name of trentmoller turned out to be nothing but a bad dj

evident in overweight

he thought of giving us an unforgettable evening inserting in the lineup at the start of a seven nation army set with which he sent to see a crowd of preteens, but also our strongly magnetized balls to the floor. a rare move that infantilism is rising exponentially

my already visceral contempt for his race of mangiamerluzzi

, first cookie that matches the Europeans to eliminate us by surprise and then come here to jump on the bandwagon hoping to receive roars and slaps on the back for your brilliant insight. but you trentmǿller who the fuck you know? what the fuck you want? maybe we should think about that instead of futbol think to lose weight, a lifetime of sucking kippers and have absorbed all the cholesterol and no phosphorus.

a DJ set, and so we really wanted to finish the week after five fucking minutes, draining away fast as people complain about the crowds at the entrance where a worrying lack of police brutality against these subhumans who jostle for enter. we try to drink away the disappointment but we end up soon with our other peers on the benches to sleep in the station waiting for the arrival of the train that we must bring in, but meanwhile, the satisfaction is that I have arrived at the station on with journal zompettato fresh a rotary arm dribbling under a forest of spewing kids who have yet to eat shit before you can compete with the rest of us of the old school, we maintain the decorum despite dj presumptuous that we sfanculano evenings and grappa poor that we burn in the stomach, and that we keep his head high in the face of adversity in life, how to get home at seven in the morning was clear drunk and find the floor strewn with shards of glass tiles that sparkle because Zazie groping in the dark of night She must have come across in my dell'idrolitina bottle, and I walk on in the hope that the sound of glass that shatters under amphibians could cover the sound of oaths that I echo in my soul.

Dj enzo we thank for the post with whom he has pierced my alcoholic amnesia and waffankhulig is required for a post that I did not want to write.
