Thursday, February 22, 2007

Do I Use Biotene For My Monroe Piercing?

in it for free drinking: rise to power

the most humiliating thing was undoubtedly the next morning at half past seven I was waiting for the bus door to the palace dressed as a country priest as I roamed around the North African children who were at school with all their beautiful hood of his sweatshirt pulled on a baseball cap, and I could not help but feel jealous of their estates by gangsta rapper, his eyes grew moist with tears me for the lost dignity. when I arrive I am made to sit on a plastic chair who will support my ass for an unreasonably long period of time. the usual twenty boots behind the desk continues to raise the volume of the tribal house in the hope of covering the motivational frightening screams coming from behind a closed door. In fact, after a few minutes to file away a few dozen highly motivated employees that support the well-dressed colored backpacks. I come from the chair and picked the one entrusted to me is presented as il miglior dipendente dell'azienda, che a giudicare dalla giacca che gli spunta da sotto il cappotto arrivando a lambirgli le ginocchia sembra essere anche l'unica persona nella stanza vestita peggio di me. intuisco che questo lavoro non mi renderà milionario quando vengo fatto accomodare sull'automobile aziendale, una tipo 1.6 coi sedili cosparsi di gratta e vinci accartocciati. partiamo lasciandoci alle spalle i confini della città, senza che io abbia ancora capito cosa cazzo ci sto facendo dentro una tipo arrugginita alle nove del mattino pinzato sul sedile di dietro in mezzo a quattro completi sconosciuti. avrei preferito continuare a non saperlo, invece mi viene rivelato che gli zainetti colorati sono stracolmi di telefoni cellulari e che io tra poco verrò introduced into the exciting world of selling door to door. then I'm like the model employee, but an excuse, and organizing events? sure, he says, perhaps next month they send us to distribute the gadget in roadside restaurants. very well. dismantle them in a town where there have never been before, I do offer breakfast and when we are ready to vanish from me pretending to be ill. dj enzo phone, he lives in the suburbs, and I try to explain me how the fuck you leave this place Alien immersed in a blanket of fog. I hold her in the coat but the air inside edge creeps me the light wool pants are frozen toes. I am alone, cold, inhospitable and in a strange city, hunted by four warring travelers Trade with the armed wing of a series of powerful business slogan. still no idea on how to walk away from this shit pond in which they are bogged down by a number of years.



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