Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fetish Watching Garbage Trucks

German technology

An image is a black eye sore and bruised, on the back of the rods, the barbed wire of the prison. And 'this is the feeling I seeing this page criticized the book Petra Reski and I wonder what is going on in the great, civilized, beautiful Germany, where an' investigative journalism that is first and last names of people colluding with the 'Ndrangheta rather than cause investigations, inquiries, public debates, should it lead to the enforced silence, the voice all'azzittimento uncomfortable.
Germans have the courage to know! to know that the gangs are not phenomena of southern folk, are not the killers spietati e analfabeti, sono dottori, ingegneri e imprenditori che comandano questi bracci militari che ogni tanto finiscono nelle maglie della giustizia. Queste persone possono stare anche da voi e parlare un tedesco senza accento.
Le mafie hanno montagne di denaro e possono comprarsi tutti i politici che vogliono, infiltrarsi in tutti i più reconditi gangli del potere, inquinare la stessa vita cittadina e la mentalità delle persone, possono tenere sotto scacco intere nazioni, possono fare tutto ciò che l'immensa ricchezza, la più spietata violenza e la totale mancanza di regole possono fare.
Voi avete scelto di ignorare, di ficcare la testa sotto la sabbia, di punire un libro imbrattando con l'inchiostro degli omissis, bruciando chi voleva farvi aprire gli occhi, non volete che nessuno rovini le atmosfere serene delle vostre serate, dei vostri natali nordici, nessuno dica nulla, nessuno parli.
Siamo allora molto meglio noi in Italia? Noi abbiamo creato le mafie, evadiamo fieri le tasse non comprendendo che stiamo rubando a noi stessi, ma abbiamo pubblicato Gomorra , i Complici ; indaghiamo il nostro presidente del consiglio accusandolo alla luce del sole, di reati importanti senza temere, in fondo, la sua vendetta, siamo pronti a scendere in piazza tante e tante volte insultando se è necessario. Non applichiamo vigliacche censure, vogliamo leggere, sapere, riflettere, verificare.

Ignoring people or things we would preclude the possibility of change.

not remember the dates as May 10 33 ? The ugly facts are quickly forgotten, easily, the usual circle of history, which is cyclical for those who do not know history and is destined to ricommettere their mistakes.

Fetish Watching Garbage Trucks

German technology

An image is a black eye sore and bruised, on the back of the rods, the barbed wire of the prison. And 'this is the feeling I seeing this page criticized the book Petra Reski and I wonder what is going on in the great, civilized, beautiful Germany, where an' investigative journalism that is first and last names of people colluding with the 'Ndrangheta rather than cause investigations, inquiries, public debates, should it lead to the enforced silence, the voice all'azzittimento uncomfortable.
Germans have the courage to know! to know that the gangs are not phenomena of southern folk, are not the killers spietati e analfabeti, sono dottori, ingegneri e imprenditori che comandano questi bracci militari che ogni tanto finiscono nelle maglie della giustizia. Queste persone possono stare anche da voi e parlare un tedesco senza accento.
Le mafie hanno montagne di denaro e possono comprarsi tutti i politici che vogliono, infiltrarsi in tutti i più reconditi gangli del potere, inquinare la stessa vita cittadina e la mentalità delle persone, possono tenere sotto scacco intere nazioni, possono fare tutto ciò che l'immensa ricchezza, la più spietata violenza e la totale mancanza di regole possono fare.
Voi avete scelto di ignorare, di ficcare la testa sotto la sabbia, di punire un libro imbrattando con l'inchiostro degli omissis, bruciando chi voleva farvi aprire gli occhi, non volete che nessuno rovini le atmosfere serene delle vostre serate, dei vostri natali nordici, nessuno dica nulla, nessuno parli.
Siamo allora molto meglio noi in Italia? Noi abbiamo creato le mafie, evadiamo fieri le tasse non comprendendo che stiamo rubando a noi stessi, ma abbiamo pubblicato Gomorra , i Complici ; indaghiamo il nostro presidente del consiglio accusandolo alla luce del sole, di reati importanti senza temere, in fondo, la sua vendetta, siamo pronti a scendere in piazza tante e tante volte insultando se è necessario. Non applichiamo vigliacche censure, vogliamo leggere, sapere, riflettere, verificare.

Ignoring people or things we would preclude the possibility of change.

not remember the dates as May 10 33 ? The ugly facts are quickly forgotten, easily, the usual circle of history, which is cyclical for those who do not know history and is destined to ricommettere their mistakes.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What's Inside My Wife's

Finally the light, out of the shadows, finally speaks clearly: "The mess-ups are sometimes useful." Massimo D'Alema through a particular period of time u n outing, the revelation of his own nature the world, with your clarification I hidden.
As we are concerned we can only anger of barter which is celebrated in these days: the survival of their role and their political minions D'Alema in exchange for rescue from the processes and the political decline for the Knight, the price of this is our rule of law, equality before the law, our institutions. That 's what the assignment to the 30 denier Copasir are costing, in defiance of the opinion that the rider and his policy may have the voters of the Democratic Party.
A summary of the unholy pact has given well The Fact , and is read raccapriciante the list of real events that have marked the underground pacts over the past 15 years of Italian politics, a year marked by mutual support of the PD to the PDL and vice versa, spent years to build a bipartisan born on the ashes still smoking the massacres of Capaci and Via D'Amelio, who was born as we read these days, the terms with the Mafia by the State.
It makes you think that the opposition to Berlusconi is only a pretext, a game in which to entertain the Italians, let them vent, in belusconiani struggle against false claims, then we, after they got tired, really decide, the backroom fate of the country.
If you reflect, calmly you can believe that such systems Anglo-Saxon of bipartisanship, are ways to defuse difficult to control the mechanisms of democracy: we create two different parties, we pretend to fight us excitedly, just to tire the people, create antagonisms, baste the arenas in which to squabble journalists that, like the gladiators Romans have their own rabid fans, let everyone sfoghino for good, then at the end of one party or the other, they are different faces to the same policies, the people can only vote one of no other choices, and everything remains property.
changed everything for not change anything, as saying the Leopard.

What's Inside My Wife's

Finally the light, out of the shadows, finally speaks clearly: "The mess-ups are sometimes useful." Massimo D'Alema through a particular period of time u n outing, the revelation of his own nature the world, with your clarification I hidden.
As we are concerned we can only anger of barter which is celebrated in these days: the survival of their role and their political minions D'Alema in exchange for rescue from the processes and the political decline for the Knight, the price of this is our rule of law, equality before the law, our institutions. That 's what the assignment to the 30 denier Copasir are costing, in defiance of the opinion that the rider and his policy may have the voters of the Democratic Party.
A summary of the unholy pact has given well The Fact , and is read raccapriciante the list of real events that have marked the underground pacts over the past 15 years of Italian politics, a year marked by mutual support of the PD to the PDL and vice versa, spent years to build a bipartisan born on the ashes still smoking the massacres of Capaci and Via D'Amelio, who was born as we read these days, the terms with the Mafia by the State.
It makes you think that the opposition to Berlusconi is only a pretext, a game in which to entertain the Italians, let them vent, in belusconiani struggle against false claims, then we, after they got tired, really decide, the backroom fate of the country.
If you reflect, calmly you can believe that such systems Anglo-Saxon of bipartisanship, are ways to defuse difficult to control the mechanisms of democracy: we create two different parties, we pretend to fight us excitedly, just to tire the people, create antagonisms, baste the arenas in which to squabble journalists that, like the gladiators Romans have their own rabid fans, let everyone sfoghino for good, then at the end of one party or the other, they are different faces to the same policies, the people can only vote one of no other choices, and everything remains property.
changed everything for not change anything, as saying the Leopard.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Black Pearl In Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

Out of the shadows "You'll see, will thirst, they will pay"

Si stanno rivelando profetiche le parole di Scarpinato scritte nel suo libro, Il ritorno del Principe . Nel testo Scarpinato descrive una classe politica vorace, che da sempre, da fin dagli albori dello stato italiano dissangua il paese privandolo delle risorse.
In riferimento alla recente approvazione della privatizzazione dell'acqua il libro sembra veramente profetico: Scarpinato usa una metafora molto efficace:
se un organismo vivente viene privato del nutrimento, per sopravvivere cannibalizza se stesso. Utilizza prima il grasso accumulato per poi cibarsi dei muscoli poi delle ossa, si scarnifica crudelmente, coming eventually to death. Similarly, has acted and will act as a carcinogen our political machine. In times of recession we are in now for a decade, they are attacked privatizing services, dramatically increasing costs, obtaining resources for corruption, food politics. "
Here is the truth about privatization in recent years made by the governments that have succeeded and those made by the majority even wilder: need resources to fuel corruption committees and business friends, as there is no plunder these resources, we stripped the services, selling off public companies to dump on the need to state coffers to make the debts of its appeal for the deal our entrepreneurs ragged but generous (to the MPs).
Of great interest will be the privatization of water has a peculiar characteristic: it is indispensable. You can not help but drink, if you're thirsty you're willing to pay without much trouble. You can deny all of the car, new clothes or anything, but you can not miss the water. Where there has already been a privatization, see example in Latin , costs increased and the quality of service has remained the same, if not worse.
Water is a public good that must be provided by the state at cost, without speculation, without allowing us a private profitto, è un bisogno fondamentale, è nostra .
Mi immagino i discorsi in Transatlantico:
“...non ti preoccupare i soldi arriveranno, arriveranno a fiumi, alla sete pagheranno anche i più poveri.”

Black Pearl In Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

Out of the shadows "You'll see, will thirst, they will pay"

Si stanno rivelando profetiche le parole di Scarpinato scritte nel suo libro, Il ritorno del Principe . Nel testo Scarpinato descrive una classe politica vorace, che da sempre, da fin dagli albori dello stato italiano dissangua il paese privandolo delle risorse.
In riferimento alla recente approvazione della privatizzazione dell'acqua il libro sembra veramente profetico: Scarpinato usa una metafora molto efficace:
se un organismo vivente viene privato del nutrimento, per sopravvivere cannibalizza se stesso. Utilizza prima il grasso accumulato per poi cibarsi dei muscoli poi delle ossa, si scarnifica crudelmente, coming eventually to death. Similarly, has acted and will act as a carcinogen our political machine. In times of recession we are in now for a decade, they are attacked privatizing services, dramatically increasing costs, obtaining resources for corruption, food politics. "
Here is the truth about privatization in recent years made by the governments that have succeeded and those made by the majority even wilder: need resources to fuel corruption committees and business friends, as there is no plunder these resources, we stripped the services, selling off public companies to dump on the need to state coffers to make the debts of its appeal for the deal our entrepreneurs ragged but generous (to the MPs).
Of great interest will be the privatization of water has a peculiar characteristic: it is indispensable. You can not help but drink, if you're thirsty you're willing to pay without much trouble. You can deny all of the car, new clothes or anything, but you can not miss the water. Where there has already been a privatization, see example in Latin , costs increased and the quality of service has remained the same, if not worse.
Water is a public good that must be provided by the state at cost, without speculation, without allowing us a private profitto, è un bisogno fondamentale, è nostra .
Mi immagino i discorsi in Transatlantico:
“...non ti preoccupare i soldi arriveranno, arriveranno a fiumi, alla sete pagheranno anche i più poveri.”

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Commerical With Velveeta And Rotel Pasta

All animals are equal but the pigs are more equal than others

La corte costituzionale si riunisce nuovamente oggi "per giudicare la costituzionalità del Lodo Alfano e si fa strada l'ipotesi del compromesso . E' proprio vero che dal medioevo ad oggi in fondo non è cambiato nulla, la conquista dell'uguaglianza di fronte alla legge vale solo per i cretini che non hanno means to defend themselves or do not adhere to any political trend.
It is judging a principle that applies civil achievements, he believes the constitution of our state is judged our freedom. You are judging the Leica:
  • corrupt judges
  • hire gangsters as their employees
  • evade taxes with foreign companies
  • bribe witnesses.
According to the principle that once elected the third-Arcore is no longer a citizen but a citizen like the others more equal than others, as if it was invested with his power from God himself as we were led to believe medieval subjects.
Our constituents, tip più alta della storia della nostra giurisprudenza, nel loro mirabile lavoro hanno discusso la possibilità dell'immunita per la più alta carica dello stato:

L’on. Bettiol la propose (l'immunita per il Presidente della Repubblica n.d.r.), ma fu bocciato a larga maggioranza.
obiettò: “Non vedo la necessità di costituire al Capo dello Stato una posizione speciale. Abbiamo una magistratura che è sovrana ed è uno dei poteri dello Stato… Persino presso certi popoli coloniali è possibile chiamare dinanzi al giudice il governatore”. Il grande Mortati rivelò: “Si è omessa intenzionalmente any regulation of the ordinary responsibilities of the President. It 's a voluntary gap of the Constitution. " The President of the Assembly, Meuccio Ruini, said curtly: "Better a gap too great a privilege for the President, who is always citizen among citizens, although covering the highest political office. Do not say that for seven years President of the Republic did not meet the justice of his country. "

highest peak But this was soon abandoned due to slip back into the swamp of compromise that still, apparently, are repetitive, cyclical like the seasons. E 'Berlusconi threatened enough that the elections because the Democratic Party in crisis and without a secretary, were to turn around on the principles and accept the compromise under the counter, selling for his thirty pieces of our right to equality before the law.

Report on the work of the Constituent Assembly.

Commerical With Velveeta And Rotel Pasta

All animals are equal but the pigs are more equal than others

La corte costituzionale si riunisce nuovamente oggi "per giudicare la costituzionalità del Lodo Alfano e si fa strada l'ipotesi del compromesso . E' proprio vero che dal medioevo ad oggi in fondo non è cambiato nulla, la conquista dell'uguaglianza di fronte alla legge vale solo per i cretini che non hanno means to defend themselves or do not adhere to any political trend.
It is judging a principle that applies civil achievements, he believes the constitution of our state is judged our freedom. You are judging the Leica:
  • corrupt judges
  • hire gangsters as their employees
  • evade taxes with foreign companies
  • bribe witnesses.
According to the principle that once elected the third-Arcore is no longer a citizen but a citizen like the others more equal than others, as if it was invested with his power from God himself as we were led to believe medieval subjects.
Our constituents, tip più alta della storia della nostra giurisprudenza, nel loro mirabile lavoro hanno discusso la possibilità dell'immunita per la più alta carica dello stato:

L’on. Bettiol la propose (l'immunita per il Presidente della Repubblica n.d.r.), ma fu bocciato a larga maggioranza.
obiettò: “Non vedo la necessità di costituire al Capo dello Stato una posizione speciale. Abbiamo una magistratura che è sovrana ed è uno dei poteri dello Stato… Persino presso certi popoli coloniali è possibile chiamare dinanzi al giudice il governatore”. Il grande Mortati rivelò: “Si è omessa intenzionalmente any regulation of the ordinary responsibilities of the President. It 's a voluntary gap of the Constitution. " The President of the Assembly, Meuccio Ruini, said curtly: "Better a gap too great a privilege for the President, who is always citizen among citizens, although covering the highest political office. Do not say that for seven years President of the Republic did not meet the justice of his country. "

highest peak But this was soon abandoned due to slip back into the swamp of compromise that still, apparently, are repetitive, cyclical like the seasons. E 'Berlusconi threatened enough that the elections because the Democratic Party in crisis and without a secretary, were to turn around on the principles and accept the compromise under the counter, selling for his thirty pieces of our right to equality before the law.

Report on the work of the Constituent Assembly.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Deathwatch By Robb White Chapter Review

Our wall

Giorgio Bocca, perhaps the greatest living Italian journalist, the latest issue Espresso examined with his usual rude incidents of collusion between the mafia and the state of the 90 . Citing names and surnames Bocca says what should be known and understood by all now:
le organizzazioni criminali sono parte integrante della struttura di controllo delle regioni del Sud.

Questa integrazione è stata costruita negli anni della guerra fredda, anni in cui le Mafie hanno garantito il controllo dei voti del sud, arginando il pericolo comunista . Questa loro funzione, messa in atto dalla Democrazia Cristiana, era conosciuta, tollerata e favorita dall'alleato americano ed ha mantenuto la sua utilità fino alla caduta del muro nell'89. Una connivenza che ha permesso un Sud medioevale, sprofondato nella violenza delle guerre di Mafia degli anni 70 e 80 similmente al Cile di Pinochet. Una connivenza che è stata causa di omicidi eccellenti, primo tra tutti il Generale dalla Chiesa, inviato Sicily to fight the mafia with no real powers, like a sacrificial victim to the higher reasons of state. We also had us our Berlin Wall that divided our country also in a similar way to what happened in Germany. This wall was built almost simultaneously with the German wall in the 60's, famous for not less visible as real architecture but only as a border between two countries, a line that divides two visibly different worlds: the industrialized capitalist and a poor and underdeveloped the other, the democratic one, in the hands of an organization antitemocratica, criminal, violent other. Their wall came down in '89 our staggered but was soon restored and repainted in new colors and is still standing. After 89
this symbiosis between the state and mafia has lost its raison d'etre, even the very existence of the Mafia has become indigestible U.S. allies and the emerging European Union, which called for a more vigorous on the part of jurists' Italy. The Mafia has felt hunted, without points of local and international marine biotoxins, decimated by the recent "Clean Hands" investigation, and reacted violently faced feel its military weight. At this point the state could destroy the Mafia but chose to come to terms by establishing negotiations, seeking agreement, renewing the Lateran Pact of complicity. The new pact has paid off, her little ones were the new political references, which have gained power, strong control of the Mafia always excellent population of the South

crudely Giorgio Bocca has reviewed these documents, nothing more, things notes that are part of our history. They are useless and harmful to the controversy that followed his brief article Espresso. Harmful because they are trying to throw mud on the truth, that truth is useless because they intended to come to light after the recent developments and the reopening of the murder Borsellino.
It seems that, like the massacre of 92 hours being deployed troops journalists to act against those who undermine the system by revealing the uncomfortable truth. We do not isolate and destroy bombs but with the battleships of the obedient press, one voice that tuonino, euphonium and annientino partisan who was then and still is today.

PS: careful analysis of these events was made by Roberto Scarpinato in his wonderful book The Return of the Prince .

Deathwatch By Robb White Chapter Review

Our wall

Giorgio Bocca, perhaps the greatest living Italian journalist, the latest issue Espresso examined with his usual rude incidents of collusion between the mafia and the state of the 90 . Citing names and surnames Bocca says what should be known and understood by all now:
le organizzazioni criminali sono parte integrante della struttura di controllo delle regioni del Sud.

Questa integrazione è stata costruita negli anni della guerra fredda, anni in cui le Mafie hanno garantito il controllo dei voti del sud, arginando il pericolo comunista . Questa loro funzione, messa in atto dalla Democrazia Cristiana, era conosciuta, tollerata e favorita dall'alleato americano ed ha mantenuto la sua utilità fino alla caduta del muro nell'89. Una connivenza che ha permesso un Sud medioevale, sprofondato nella violenza delle guerre di Mafia degli anni 70 e 80 similmente al Cile di Pinochet. Una connivenza che è stata causa di omicidi eccellenti, primo tra tutti il Generale dalla Chiesa, inviato Sicily to fight the mafia with no real powers, like a sacrificial victim to the higher reasons of state. We also had us our Berlin Wall that divided our country also in a similar way to what happened in Germany. This wall was built almost simultaneously with the German wall in the 60's, famous for not less visible as real architecture but only as a border between two countries, a line that divides two visibly different worlds: the industrialized capitalist and a poor and underdeveloped the other, the democratic one, in the hands of an organization antitemocratica, criminal, violent other. Their wall came down in '89 our staggered but was soon restored and repainted in new colors and is still standing. After 89
this symbiosis between the state and mafia has lost its raison d'etre, even the very existence of the Mafia has become indigestible U.S. allies and the emerging European Union, which called for a more vigorous on the part of jurists' Italy. The Mafia has felt hunted, without points of local and international marine biotoxins, decimated by the recent "Clean Hands" investigation, and reacted violently faced feel its military weight. At this point the state could destroy the Mafia but chose to come to terms by establishing negotiations, seeking agreement, renewing the Lateran Pact of complicity. The new pact has paid off, her little ones were the new political references, which have gained power, strong control of the Mafia always excellent population of the South

crudely Giorgio Bocca has reviewed these documents, nothing more, things notes that are part of our history. They are useless and harmful to the controversy that followed his brief article Espresso. Harmful because they are trying to throw mud on the truth, that truth is useless because they intended to come to light after the recent developments and the reopening of the murder Borsellino.
It seems that, like the massacre of 92 hours being deployed troops journalists to act against those who undermine the system by revealing the uncomfortable truth. We do not isolate and destroy bombs but with the battleships of the obedient press, one voice that tuonino, euphonium and annientino partisan who was then and still is today.

PS: careful analysis of these events was made by Roberto Scarpinato in his wonderful book The Return of the Prince .

Monday, August 10, 2009

Can Minors Get Bikini Wax

Let's talk about morality. Do

E 'today's news reported by various newspapers online, dell'ennessima sermon on the morality of the Vatican hierarchy. Perhaps a late statement of position for the events of Puttanopoli in recent weeks, but alas it is hypocritical in ways both times. In ways, because according to Catholic moral behavior from end user of our Prime Minister should not raise to pseudo theological disputes "on the moral majority," but cries of outrage, calls for election boycott: a person so low in their morality should no longer deserve any respect from Catholics.
In time, because it was too slow to judge, waiting for conclusive proof of the cowardly hands of Prime Minister and his counsels sexual all'escort duty to formulate a bland moral judgments.
Perhaps, on closer inspection, morality The Catholic Church has no title to speak, after the sex scandals that have involved the U.S. and Ireland .

Ireland, Ryan Report

At this very Catholic country, the government wanted, through a regular survey, collect and verify evidence of incidents of child abuse and violence practiced in its many Catholic schools. After years of investigation, the result was the relationship ryan (see also page on wikipedia).
A collection of well 2500 raccapricianti testimony, which deleted the hypocritical veil covering a Catholic pedophiles one of the most devout of Europe.
The stories are sometimes harsh and cruel, perhaps not suitable for tastes of the upper echelons of the Church or anyone who, accustomed to the peaceful words of men of Holy Mother Church, do not expect that these abominations may be committed by them.
No! They are thrown in his face like a stick, a gash on the painting of the Virgin and Child, a hammer to the Pieta by Michelangelo.

I witness that there is no limit to our irrationality to our being animals and that these crimes may appear to come from some less expected.
I can not explain why he was not given the prominence that it deserves investigation, the words reported and the above figures show that child abuse in Catholic institutions is not an isolated incident perpetrated by a few elements, the "bad apples" on the contrary is a fact systematic, endemic , which is repeated thousands times with similar dynamics and outcomes always devastating.
If for a moment try to imagine that an investigation or judicial journalism we usually referring to a sect devoted to practical pedophile with figures similar to those reported in the report, I am sure that this sect would be decimated by arrests and public right, pillory. But in the case of the Catholic Church not only this does not happen, leaving the episodes continue to repeat itself, but even if they have to mention media giving the opportunity for parents to pay more attention. This
override the normal justice and obtain the application of two weights and two measures, usually accompanied with the facts involving the Vatican. Even if the investigation the way Ryan was uphill, and the resignation in protest of the first judge assigned to show the climate in which judges had to operate. But the height of hypocrisy and violence of the Vatican hierarchy was the omission of names from one of the real church organizations most heavily involved in the investigation, the brothers of Jesus . This order
obtained for himself and all the clerics involved investigation, to proceed anonymously according to canon law, thereby avoiding lawsuits, even among those already condemned by their ordinary justice and which therefore can not apply the principle of presumption of innocence because they have already pleaded guilty.
Tell me now how hypocritical are the words of Benedict XVI "justice is done," .
Hypocrisy always manifested in all cases by the constant movement of pedophile priests by the bishops of the parishes, like a fugitive who wants to lose their tracks, even hypocrisy manifested by the precise instructions of the document "Crimen Sollicitationis " on how to deal with sex crimes all'interno della Chiesa.Documento che poneva tra le assolute priorità il silenzio sullo scandalo e la persuasione delle vittime a non denunciare.
Non mi si venga quindi a parlare di carità e di giustizia laddove la chiesa come sempre per se non le applica.

P.S. Cercherò nei mesi a seguire di tradurre, secondo le mie capacità, alcune testimonianze del rapporto Ryan, per rendere accessibile questa preziosa inchiesta nel blog. Se qualcuno volesse collaborare ne sarei felice, in attesa che qualche editore prenda il coraggio e pubblichi una versione italiana dei documenti.

Can Minors Get Bikini Wax

Let's talk about morality. Do

E 'today's news reported by various newspapers online, dell'ennessima sermon on the morality of the Vatican hierarchy. Perhaps a late statement of position for the events of Puttanopoli in recent weeks, but alas it is hypocritical in ways both times. In ways, because according to Catholic moral behavior from end user of our Prime Minister should not raise to pseudo theological disputes "on the moral majority," but cries of outrage, calls for election boycott: a person so low in their morality should no longer deserve any respect from Catholics.
In time, because it was too slow to judge, waiting for conclusive proof of the cowardly hands of Prime Minister and his counsels sexual all'escort duty to formulate a bland moral judgments.
Perhaps, on closer inspection, morality The Catholic Church has no title to speak, after the sex scandals that have involved the U.S. and Ireland .

Ireland, Ryan Report

At this very Catholic country, the government wanted, through a regular survey, collect and verify evidence of incidents of child abuse and violence practiced in its many Catholic schools. After years of investigation, the result was the relationship ryan (see also page on wikipedia).
A collection of well 2500 raccapricianti testimony, which deleted the hypocritical veil covering a Catholic pedophiles one of the most devout of Europe.
The stories are sometimes harsh and cruel, perhaps not suitable for tastes of the upper echelons of the Church or anyone who, accustomed to the peaceful words of men of Holy Mother Church, do not expect that these abominations may be committed by them.
No! They are thrown in his face like a stick, a gash on the painting of the Virgin and Child, a hammer to the Pieta by Michelangelo.

I witness that there is no limit to our irrationality to our being animals and that these crimes may appear to come from some less expected.
I can not explain why he was not given the prominence that it deserves investigation, the words reported and the above figures show that child abuse in Catholic institutions is not an isolated incident perpetrated by a few elements, the "bad apples" on the contrary is a fact systematic, endemic , which is repeated thousands times with similar dynamics and outcomes always devastating.
If for a moment try to imagine that an investigation or judicial journalism we usually referring to a sect devoted to practical pedophile with figures similar to those reported in the report, I am sure that this sect would be decimated by arrests and public right, pillory. But in the case of the Catholic Church not only this does not happen, leaving the episodes continue to repeat itself, but even if they have to mention media giving the opportunity for parents to pay more attention. This
override the normal justice and obtain the application of two weights and two measures, usually accompanied with the facts involving the Vatican. Even if the investigation the way Ryan was uphill, and the resignation in protest of the first judge assigned to show the climate in which judges had to operate. But the height of hypocrisy and violence of the Vatican hierarchy was the omission of names from one of the real church organizations most heavily involved in the investigation, the brothers of Jesus . This order
obtained for himself and all the clerics involved investigation, to proceed anonymously according to canon law, thereby avoiding lawsuits, even among those already condemned by their ordinary justice and which therefore can not apply the principle of presumption of innocence because they have already pleaded guilty.
Tell me now how hypocritical are the words of Benedict XVI "justice is done," .
Hypocrisy always manifested in all cases by the constant movement of pedophile priests by the bishops of the parishes, like a fugitive who wants to lose their tracks, even hypocrisy manifested by the precise instructions of the document "Crimen Sollicitationis " on how to deal with sex crimes all'interno della Chiesa.Documento che poneva tra le assolute priorità il silenzio sullo scandalo e la persuasione delle vittime a non denunciare.
Non mi si venga quindi a parlare di carità e di giustizia laddove la chiesa come sempre per se non le applica.

P.S. Cercherò nei mesi a seguire di tradurre, secondo le mie capacità, alcune testimonianze del rapporto Ryan, per rendere accessibile questa preziosa inchiesta nel blog. Se qualcuno volesse collaborare ne sarei felice, in attesa che qualche editore prenda il coraggio e pubblichi una versione italiana dei documenti.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Generic Tadalafil Exist


The poor, merciful, compassionate Church in these days has opened a sober crypt in honor of Padre Pio. A work that perfectly represents the message of love, detachment from earthly things, care only for the spiritual world that has always characterized the Holy Roman SpA
Anyone visiting the holy place to the Father of Pietrelcina will be able to find only if the size spiritual from the miseries of the world breaking away and going to their God

The fact that this detachment from earthly things to be made with much of the gold line from the Coliseum, making look like the crypt to the private rooms of the Sultan of Brunei is only one case, that Malpensante could only exchange for a rettaggio medieval mistress of a Church, a Church bank, a church chest, a huge cost to the Church Italy.

An example of devotion to the Holy One is given is given from this image which, like a holy relic praising the Holy Name in a sober and charitable gold mosaic.
Thanks be to God the fact to keep our Church in sifatta way, to make that always, as now, poverty and charity are the shining light (gold?) To guide the development of his Holy Roman Church . Amen

Generic Tadalafil Exist


The poor, merciful, compassionate Church in these days has opened a sober crypt in honor of Padre Pio. A work that perfectly represents the message of love, detachment from earthly things, care only for the spiritual world that has always characterized the Holy Roman SpA
Anyone visiting the holy place to the Father of Pietrelcina will be able to find only if the size spiritual from the miseries of the world breaking away and going to their God

The fact that this detachment from earthly things to be made with much of the gold line from the Coliseum, making look like the crypt to the private rooms of the Sultan of Brunei is only one case, that Malpensante could only exchange for a rettaggio medieval mistress of a Church, a Church bank, a church chest, a huge cost to the Church Italy.

An example of devotion to the Holy One is given is given from this image which, like a holy relic praising the Holy Name in a sober and charitable gold mosaic.
Thanks be to God the fact to keep our Church in sifatta way, to make that always, as now, poverty and charity are the shining light (gold?) To guide the development of his Holy Roman Church . Amen

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Besthair Highlight Of 2010


Which in Italy are the most harassed by telephone operators in Europe was known, are systematically cartel caring about the mechanism of free competition, make sure that the controls are nonexistent or ineffective, but the sale of Googlefonino across Europe by part of Vodafott us a good yardstick.
This terminal was long awaited and has been proposed, exclusively by Vodafott, almost simultaneously across Europe, but alas the deals are very different.

There are various pricing plans very similar, including a
  • contract for 24months, € 39.95 for the first 6 months then € 44.95.
  • terminal to the political price of 1 €
  • free calls to mobile phones vodafott
  • free calls to landlines
  • unlimited internet consumer

Again, there are tariff plans very similar, but all share the cost of the phone: zero. Choose the plan from £ 35 (about € 40) we have:
  • Free terminal
  • 700 minutes of calls to mobile phones
  • unlimited calls to fixed networks
  • Unlimited Internet access
  • contract duration 18 months
Here is the wonderful Italian offering that dwarfing the deals over the Alps.
Choose the plan marked with the price of € 50 with duration of 24 months:
  • price of € 150 phone
  • 700 minutes of calls to everyone, including calls to landlines, so no free access to all
  • Internet aside, € 10 for a monthly traffic of up to 2 Gigabyte
  • unlimited traffic only to a vodafone number choice
  • contract duration 24 months
what to say, siamo fessi e contenti.
Signor Vodafott almeno aspetti che ci abbassiamo i pantaloni e cerchi di essere delicato, è vero che non è la prima volta per noi utenti, ma sa, non ci si abitua mai.

The Besthair Highlight Of 2010


Which in Italy are the most harassed by telephone operators in Europe was known, are systematically cartel caring about the mechanism of free competition, make sure that the controls are nonexistent or ineffective, but the sale of Googlefonino across Europe by part of Vodafott us a good yardstick.
This terminal was long awaited and has been proposed, exclusively by Vodafott, almost simultaneously across Europe, but alas the deals are very different.

There are various pricing plans very similar, including a
  • contract for 24months, € 39.95 for the first 6 months then € 44.95.
  • terminal to the political price of 1 €
  • free calls to mobile phones vodafott
  • free calls to landlines
  • unlimited internet consumer

Again, there are tariff plans very similar, but all share the cost of the phone: zero. Choose the plan from £ 35 (about € 40) we have:
  • Free terminal
  • 700 minutes of calls to mobile phones
  • unlimited calls to fixed networks
  • Unlimited Internet access
  • contract duration 18 months
Here is the wonderful Italian offering that dwarfing the deals over the Alps.
Choose the plan marked with the price of € 50 with duration of 24 months:
  • price of € 150 phone
  • 700 minutes of calls to everyone, including calls to landlines, so no free access to all
  • Internet aside, € 10 for a monthly traffic of up to 2 Gigabyte
  • unlimited traffic only to a vodafone number choice
  • contract duration 24 months
what to say, siamo fessi e contenti.
Signor Vodafott almeno aspetti che ci abbassiamo i pantaloni e cerchi di essere delicato, è vero che non è la prima volta per noi utenti, ma sa, non ci si abitua mai.