Monday, August 10, 2009

Can Minors Get Bikini Wax

Let's talk about morality. Do

E 'today's news reported by various newspapers online, dell'ennessima sermon on the morality of the Vatican hierarchy. Perhaps a late statement of position for the events of Puttanopoli in recent weeks, but alas it is hypocritical in ways both times. In ways, because according to Catholic moral behavior from end user of our Prime Minister should not raise to pseudo theological disputes "on the moral majority," but cries of outrage, calls for election boycott: a person so low in their morality should no longer deserve any respect from Catholics.
In time, because it was too slow to judge, waiting for conclusive proof of the cowardly hands of Prime Minister and his counsels sexual all'escort duty to formulate a bland moral judgments.
Perhaps, on closer inspection, morality The Catholic Church has no title to speak, after the sex scandals that have involved the U.S. and Ireland .

Ireland, Ryan Report

At this very Catholic country, the government wanted, through a regular survey, collect and verify evidence of incidents of child abuse and violence practiced in its many Catholic schools. After years of investigation, the result was the relationship ryan (see also page on wikipedia).
A collection of well 2500 raccapricianti testimony, which deleted the hypocritical veil covering a Catholic pedophiles one of the most devout of Europe.
The stories are sometimes harsh and cruel, perhaps not suitable for tastes of the upper echelons of the Church or anyone who, accustomed to the peaceful words of men of Holy Mother Church, do not expect that these abominations may be committed by them.
No! They are thrown in his face like a stick, a gash on the painting of the Virgin and Child, a hammer to the Pieta by Michelangelo.

I witness that there is no limit to our irrationality to our being animals and that these crimes may appear to come from some less expected.
I can not explain why he was not given the prominence that it deserves investigation, the words reported and the above figures show that child abuse in Catholic institutions is not an isolated incident perpetrated by a few elements, the "bad apples" on the contrary is a fact systematic, endemic , which is repeated thousands times with similar dynamics and outcomes always devastating.
If for a moment try to imagine that an investigation or judicial journalism we usually referring to a sect devoted to practical pedophile with figures similar to those reported in the report, I am sure that this sect would be decimated by arrests and public right, pillory. But in the case of the Catholic Church not only this does not happen, leaving the episodes continue to repeat itself, but even if they have to mention media giving the opportunity for parents to pay more attention. This
override the normal justice and obtain the application of two weights and two measures, usually accompanied with the facts involving the Vatican. Even if the investigation the way Ryan was uphill, and the resignation in protest of the first judge assigned to show the climate in which judges had to operate. But the height of hypocrisy and violence of the Vatican hierarchy was the omission of names from one of the real church organizations most heavily involved in the investigation, the brothers of Jesus . This order
obtained for himself and all the clerics involved investigation, to proceed anonymously according to canon law, thereby avoiding lawsuits, even among those already condemned by their ordinary justice and which therefore can not apply the principle of presumption of innocence because they have already pleaded guilty.
Tell me now how hypocritical are the words of Benedict XVI "justice is done," .
Hypocrisy always manifested in all cases by the constant movement of pedophile priests by the bishops of the parishes, like a fugitive who wants to lose their tracks, even hypocrisy manifested by the precise instructions of the document "Crimen Sollicitationis " on how to deal with sex crimes all'interno della Chiesa.Documento che poneva tra le assolute priorità il silenzio sullo scandalo e la persuasione delle vittime a non denunciare.
Non mi si venga quindi a parlare di carità e di giustizia laddove la chiesa come sempre per se non le applica.

P.S. Cercherò nei mesi a seguire di tradurre, secondo le mie capacità, alcune testimonianze del rapporto Ryan, per rendere accessibile questa preziosa inchiesta nel blog. Se qualcuno volesse collaborare ne sarei felice, in attesa che qualche editore prenda il coraggio e pubblichi una versione italiana dei documenti.


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