Friday, June 11, 2010

Pokemon Fire Red Emulator Gameshark Mac

To really understand how things work, how the mechanisms of power are very useful those gaps that open periodically in the solid walls of information systems, the interceptions have been this: a way to look inside the rooms of politics and business, avoiding all the fakes that are put into practice every day to tame the news or make it invisible.
In Italy as in all countries of the world l'informazione è in mano ai gruppi economici che di fatto tengono le fila dello Stato e mettono in sella di volta in volta il politico che li necessita, l'informazione ha un compito importante: tenere a bada la massa della popolazione perché risulti in uno stato di perenne anestesia, viva nella sua realtà virtuale costruita ad hoc e non capisca nulla di cosa viene deciso riguardo alle sue sorti. Questo compito è svolto devo dire egregiamente, perché tutti, io stesso, non comprendiamo cosa ci accade attorno, dove sta la verità, assordati dal chiasso di notizie poco importanti ma gridate solo per distrarre,  preoccupati da mille paure spesso pompate ad arte per distogliere e sminuire i veri problemi.
Le intercettazioni dialogues with their raw, naive, cynical beyond belief to have been a revelation, certainly in part, behind the scenes of the system and allowed a better understanding of what only a comparison with the historical events should make it clear. The various powers that occupy the rooms of the buttons have ongoing relationships fueled by constant exchanges of favors and powerful glue that held together by money and power is the same, their scale of values \u200b\u200bis completely different from ours and is to defend her position and influence, whichever is greater. The intercepts have disturbed this balance and their elimination has been well seen by all these powerful groups. We could not miss a provision specifically for the game of love to limit the pathology of the premier, the abolition of wiretaps in this case they could somehow affect an elected official, and the glorious and holy standard for interception of priests & co
requiring a communication to the ecclesiastical hierarchy. In addition to guard against problems of a few words ran out, a total ban on publication.
What about the gap had opened but was quickly closed again, waiting for the next short to be updated on the truth.

PS I report a very interesting book, well known but does not hurt to repeat:
Noam Chomsky, Understanding Power


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