Thursday, June 24, 2010

How Painful Is Liver Failure

A man all houses and Church

now after the scandals that have hit the Church in these years the stories of ordinary corruption fade into the background, appear even venial sins compared with sexual offenses for which they are accused and convicted priests are all over the world. I admit that at first I was told that they were made at the end of little importance, then I thought for a moment on the figures, the origin of the real estate of the Church and I felt anger and indignation. Anger at the hypocrisy of these leaders of the Church that underlie sacredness, standing above the parties, who preach brotherhood, concern for the poor, with their placid and elevated language, then turn out at every opportunity as the most unscrupulous businessmen , capable of the most ruthless cynicism to do good business or increase their wealth.
The origin of the immense real estate assets of the Church I disdain bequests made at death by people who believe the act to contribute to the welfare of society of its neighbor, the homeless who left the roof was no longer needed them, but instead went to enrich one of the most cynical and powerful corporations in the world. This without getting so many problems that would have used his house as a commodity exchange for favors, with the political turn for funding, tax exemptions, agreements, tax cuts do not occur or, worse still, laws that could somehow stem the pedophilia scandal.
Figures immense Real Estate are impressive: 22% elle Italian homes and more than 30% of the buildings of the capital, all tax free. These figures are so large that only correct rate these properties and businesses that are often exploited, could afford better health, or by entering the market will get a substantial price drop, favoring those new families as glorifying, in words, from the Church.
I'm not a believer, but if Christ really came down to earth would be hunted hundreds of merchants from the temple, and it would be easy for him to find them: they are dressed in red, wearing strange clothes, they are all fat and plump and lie, lie all the time of their lives, lie that God sends!!

How Painful Is Liver Failure

A man all houses and Church

now after the scandals that have hit the Church in these years the stories of ordinary corruption fade into the background, appear even venial sins compared with sexual offenses for which they are accused and convicted priests are all over the world. I admit that at first I was told that they were made at the end of little importance, then I thought for a moment on the figures, the origin of the real estate of the Church and I felt anger and indignation. Anger at the hypocrisy of these leaders of the Church that underlie sacredness, standing above the parties, who preach brotherhood, concern for the poor, with their placid and elevated language, then turn out at every opportunity as the most unscrupulous businessmen , capable of the most ruthless cynicism to do good business or increase their wealth.
The origin of the immense real estate assets of the Church I disdain bequests made at death by people who believe the act to contribute to the welfare of society of its neighbor, the homeless who left the roof was no longer needed them, but instead went to enrich one of the most cynical and powerful corporations in the world. This without getting so many problems that would have used his house as a commodity exchange for favors, with the political turn for funding, tax exemptions, agreements, tax cuts do not occur or, worse still, laws that could somehow stem the pedophilia scandal.
Figures immense Real Estate are impressive: 22% elle Italian homes and more than 30% of the buildings of the capital, all tax free. These figures are so large that only correct rate these properties and businesses that are often exploited, could afford better health, or by entering the market will get a substantial price drop, favoring those new families as glorifying, in words, from the Church.
I'm not a believer, but if Christ really came down to earth would be hunted hundreds of merchants from the temple, and it would be easy for him to find them: they are dressed in red, wearing strange clothes, they are all fat and plump and lie, lie all the time of their lives, lie that God sends!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

How Many Cars Have Been Made In America

Continue Deafening silence

people continue to die, won, sold, inoculated with not our ills, sold off as cannon fodder, as guinea pigs on which to test the new poisons. The polygon
military Quirra in the heart of a beautiful part of Sardinia is spreading death and disease for years. Made 60 years ago wore out the health of the population, dramatically increasing the incidence of cancer such as leukemia. I feel like a litany, a requiem repeated always the same people, friends, suffering from incurable diseases, who lived far too many years but who had the misfortune to be born in the vicinity of the polygon, in beautiful but poisoned land. They are the young people of our war dead, they are our veterans, the collateral victims, our contribution to the Cold War that has lasted for the population since 1956. I feel disgusted, depressed and powerless. The screams of a population ignored in the face of evidence that leaves no doubt the figures speak for themselves: the number of cancer cases is very high, orders of magnitude higher than normal incidence of national statistics and everything passes in silence , nothing is done, you must first honor the leases of the polygon, the population is silent suffering in silence.


How Many Cars Have Been Made In America

Continue Deafening silence

people continue to die, won, sold, inoculated with not our ills, sold off as cannon fodder, as guinea pigs on which to test the new poisons. The polygon
military Quirra in the heart of a beautiful part of Sardinia is spreading death and disease for years. Made 60 years ago wore out the health of the population, dramatically increasing the incidence of cancer such as leukemia. I feel like a litany, a requiem repeated always the same people, friends, suffering from incurable diseases, who lived far too many years but who had the misfortune to be born in the vicinity of the polygon, in beautiful but poisoned land. They are the young people of our war dead, they are our veterans, the collateral victims, our contribution to the Cold War that has lasted for the population since 1956. I feel disgusted, depressed and powerless. The screams of a population ignored in the face of evidence that leaves no doubt the figures speak for themselves: the number of cancer cases is very high, orders of magnitude higher than normal incidence of national statistics and everything passes in silence , nothing is done, you must first honor the leases of the polygon, the population is silent suffering in silence.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Pokemon Fire Red Emulator Gameshark Mac

To really understand how things work, how the mechanisms of power are very useful those gaps that open periodically in the solid walls of information systems, the interceptions have been this: a way to look inside the rooms of politics and business, avoiding all the fakes that are put into practice every day to tame the news or make it invisible.
In Italy as in all countries of the world l'informazione è in mano ai gruppi economici che di fatto tengono le fila dello Stato e mettono in sella di volta in volta il politico che li necessita, l'informazione ha un compito importante: tenere a bada la massa della popolazione perché risulti in uno stato di perenne anestesia, viva nella sua realtà virtuale costruita ad hoc e non capisca nulla di cosa viene deciso riguardo alle sue sorti. Questo compito è svolto devo dire egregiamente, perché tutti, io stesso, non comprendiamo cosa ci accade attorno, dove sta la verità, assordati dal chiasso di notizie poco importanti ma gridate solo per distrarre,  preoccupati da mille paure spesso pompate ad arte per distogliere e sminuire i veri problemi.
Le intercettazioni dialogues with their raw, naive, cynical beyond belief to have been a revelation, certainly in part, behind the scenes of the system and allowed a better understanding of what only a comparison with the historical events should make it clear. The various powers that occupy the rooms of the buttons have ongoing relationships fueled by constant exchanges of favors and powerful glue that held together by money and power is the same, their scale of values \u200b\u200bis completely different from ours and is to defend her position and influence, whichever is greater. The intercepts have disturbed this balance and their elimination has been well seen by all these powerful groups. We could not miss a provision specifically for the game of love to limit the pathology of the premier, the abolition of wiretaps in this case they could somehow affect an elected official, and the glorious and holy standard for interception of priests & co
requiring a communication to the ecclesiastical hierarchy. In addition to guard against problems of a few words ran out, a total ban on publication.
What about the gap had opened but was quickly closed again, waiting for the next short to be updated on the truth.

PS I report a very interesting book, well known but does not hurt to repeat:
Noam Chomsky, Understanding Power

Pokemon Fire Red Emulator Gameshark Mac

To really understand how things work, how the mechanisms of power are very useful those gaps that open periodically in the solid walls of information systems, the interceptions have been this: a way to look inside the rooms of politics and business, avoiding all the fakes that are put into practice every day to tame the news or make it invisible.
In Italy as in all countries of the world l'informazione è in mano ai gruppi economici che di fatto tengono le fila dello Stato e mettono in sella di volta in volta il politico che li necessita, l'informazione ha un compito importante: tenere a bada la massa della popolazione perché risulti in uno stato di perenne anestesia, viva nella sua realtà virtuale costruita ad hoc e non capisca nulla di cosa viene deciso riguardo alle sue sorti. Questo compito è svolto devo dire egregiamente, perché tutti, io stesso, non comprendiamo cosa ci accade attorno, dove sta la verità, assordati dal chiasso di notizie poco importanti ma gridate solo per distrarre,  preoccupati da mille paure spesso pompate ad arte per distogliere e sminuire i veri problemi.
Le intercettazioni dialogues with their raw, naive, cynical beyond belief to have been a revelation, certainly in part, behind the scenes of the system and allowed a better understanding of what only a comparison with the historical events should make it clear. The various powers that occupy the rooms of the buttons have ongoing relationships fueled by constant exchanges of favors and powerful glue that held together by money and power is the same, their scale of values \u200b\u200bis completely different from ours and is to defend her position and influence, whichever is greater. The intercepts have disturbed this balance and their elimination has been well seen by all these powerful groups. We could not miss a provision specifically for the game of love to limit the pathology of the premier, the abolition of wiretaps in this case they could somehow affect an elected official, and the glorious and holy standard for interception of priests & co
requiring a communication to the ecclesiastical hierarchy. In addition to guard against problems of a few words ran out, a total ban on publication.
What about the gap had opened but was quickly closed again, waiting for the next short to be updated on the truth.

PS I report a very interesting book, well known but does not hurt to repeat:
Noam Chomsky, Understanding Power