Monday, January 31, 2011

Baby Green Tree Python For Sale

Press of Councillor Mario Early on the phenomenon of stray dogs in the city of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto

Il problema dell’abbandono dei cani e del conseguente randagismo sta assumendo proporzioni intollerabili sul nostro territorio. Sempre più spesso i volontari delle associazioni animalisti sono costretti a sobbarcarsi spese ed enormous sacrifices to provide for the recovery and care and treatment of stray or abandoned wounded. This is despite a wide range of laws and regulations to carry out the obligation to provide City entity to these tasks. The same decree No assessoriale 2825/2007 requires municipalities to "provide for the capture of stray dogs or the taking of dogs involved in accidents, injuries or ill" (item b, p.. 6 of the Decree) and "ensure the emergency services directly or in agreement with animal health authorized "(paragraph g, p.. 6)." The same municipality should ensure adequate staff training at the end of the 'implementation of the Regional Law 15/2000 shall conclude an agreement with animal rights organizations or associations to recover the care and sterilization of stray dogs, provide for the creation of special health-equipped shelters, and ensure emergency services directly or by authorized health care facilities, as well as the conclusion of insurance for damage to third parties caused by the same stray animals. In view of this emergency situation then and now the inability of the voluntary sector to provide animal with its own strengths and resources to combat the problem of stray dogs, with all the risks it causes to the animals and the citizens themselves (if not properly controlled and managed), asks the Administration wanted to provvedere cosi come previsto dalle leggi vigenti, ad assumere tutte le iniziative utili e doverose volte a regolamentare e arginare questo problema, interrompendo l’ atteggiamento omissivo e di sufficienza mantenuto in questi anni rispetto ad una questione di civiltà e decoro della nostra città.

Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto 31.01.2011
Consigliere Comunale
Dott. Mario Presti

Baby Green Tree Python For Sale

Press of Councillor Mario Early on the phenomenon of stray dogs in the city of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto

Il problema dell’abbandono dei cani e del conseguente randagismo sta assumendo proporzioni intollerabili sul nostro territorio. Sempre più spesso i volontari delle associazioni animalisti sono costretti a sobbarcarsi spese ed enormous sacrifices to provide for the recovery and care and treatment of stray or abandoned wounded. This is despite a wide range of laws and regulations to carry out the obligation to provide City entity to these tasks. The same decree No assessoriale 2825/2007 requires municipalities to "provide for the capture of stray dogs or the taking of dogs involved in accidents, injuries or ill" (item b, p.. 6 of the Decree) and "ensure the emergency services directly or in agreement with animal health authorized "(paragraph g, p.. 6)." The same municipality should ensure adequate staff training at the end of the 'implementation of the Regional Law 15/2000 shall conclude an agreement with animal rights organizations or associations to recover the care and sterilization of stray dogs, provide for the creation of special health-equipped shelters, and ensure emergency services directly or by authorized health care facilities, as well as the conclusion of insurance for damage to third parties caused by the same stray animals. In view of this emergency situation then and now the inability of the voluntary sector to provide animal with its own strengths and resources to combat the problem of stray dogs, with all the risks it causes to the animals and the citizens themselves (if not properly controlled and managed), asks the Administration wanted to provvedere cosi come previsto dalle leggi vigenti, ad assumere tutte le iniziative utili e doverose volte a regolamentare e arginare questo problema, interrompendo l’ atteggiamento omissivo e di sufficienza mantenuto in questi anni rispetto ad una questione di civiltà e decoro della nostra città.

Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto 31.01.2011
Consigliere Comunale
Dott. Mario Presti

Mount And Balde Skills

Igea beats Atletico Bagheria and return to a dream double horsehair

Igea Atletico win impresses and entertains his fans. This is the second consecutive win for the team of technical In Miano. After the heavy fine imposed on the Palermo 4-1, This week, the sacrificial victim was the strong city of Bagheria. The hosts have a good football tumbler, creating 5-6 balls clear goal. A close contest in the very first time the attacker was a double Barcelona's Philip Crinò. Featured Marino, Mondello and Todaro. The victory allows the athlete to reach Igea share in the standings 28 points, 5 points off the play by play and 3 out. Next Saturday daunting challenge: the fact Igea will host leaders of Audace City of Monroe, that on this day was a 2-1 defeat in the direct clash with Sporting Arenella. Chronicle. The Igea took the lead in the first real thrust: to 7 ' incursione di Todaro sulla fascia sinistra, il cross per Crinò che a pochi passi dal portiere insacca il pallone in rete per l’1-0. Al 19’ azione personale di Crinò, che entra in area, si libera di un avversario e calcia di poco alto sulla traversa. Al 21’ un tiro-cross di Campo impensierisce il portiere, costretto a smanacciare la sfera. Al 25’ una pericolosa punizione di Mondello supera la traversa e 5 minuti più tardi Crinò impegna severamente Taormina con un tiro da fuori area. Ancora Crinò al 45’ realizza il raddoppio: in contropiede viene servito in modo ottimale dai compagni e, in anticipo sul difensore, batte nuovamente il portiere ospite con freddezza. Si va quindi al riposo sul 2-0. Poco cambia al rientro teams in the field, with a City of Bagheria rarely can be seen from parts of Vittorio. We are at 64 'angle in Taormina sends a blow to animal hair. Just on the developments of the same corner, Marino starts a fire station that the goalkeeper did well to block host. The Bagheria it is dangerous for the first time at 67 'with the striker Graziano (yesterday's "bad day"), which only takes the front of the goalkeeper's right post. Over the last few minutes there is nothing to tell: the surrender of Palermo and athletics administration without any difficulty the benefit obtained. It 's time to start to dream: the company now serves on the field leaders of Monreale.

Atletico Igea - City of Bagheria 2-0

Marcator i: 7 'and 45' hair.
Atletico Igea : Vittorio Russo, Romeo, Mondello, Quattrocchi, Campo, Marino, Iorio, Todaro (83 'Condello), Crinò (90' Alosa), Serraino (88 'Interisano). Coach: Miano.
Bagheria City: Taormina, Lo Coco, Tarantella, The Castro (17 'Audia), Verruso, Portanova, Pecoraro (57' Di Cara), Lipari, Treviso (66 'Ficile), Graziano, Mary. Coach: Rinaudo.
Ammonit i: Romeo, Mondello (Atletico Igea) Audia, Lipari (City of Bagheria).
Recover : 2'pt, 3'st.
Corners: 8-2 for Atletico Igea
Attendance: about 200

Author: L. Aliquò

Mount And Balde Skills

Igea beats Atletico Bagheria and return to a dream double horsehair

Igea Atletico win impresses and entertains his fans. This is the second consecutive win for the team of technical In Miano. After the heavy fine imposed on the Palermo 4-1, This week, the sacrificial victim was the strong city of Bagheria. The hosts have a good football tumbler, creating 5-6 balls clear goal. A close contest in the very first time the attacker was a double Barcelona's Philip Crinò. Featured Marino, Mondello and Todaro. The victory allows the athlete to reach Igea share in the standings 28 points, 5 points off the play by play and 3 out. Next Saturday daunting challenge: the fact Igea will host leaders of Audace City of Monroe, that on this day was a 2-1 defeat in the direct clash with Sporting Arenella. Chronicle. The Igea took the lead in the first real thrust: to 7 ' incursione di Todaro sulla fascia sinistra, il cross per Crinò che a pochi passi dal portiere insacca il pallone in rete per l’1-0. Al 19’ azione personale di Crinò, che entra in area, si libera di un avversario e calcia di poco alto sulla traversa. Al 21’ un tiro-cross di Campo impensierisce il portiere, costretto a smanacciare la sfera. Al 25’ una pericolosa punizione di Mondello supera la traversa e 5 minuti più tardi Crinò impegna severamente Taormina con un tiro da fuori area. Ancora Crinò al 45’ realizza il raddoppio: in contropiede viene servito in modo ottimale dai compagni e, in anticipo sul difensore, batte nuovamente il portiere ospite con freddezza. Si va quindi al riposo sul 2-0. Poco cambia al rientro teams in the field, with a City of Bagheria rarely can be seen from parts of Vittorio. We are at 64 'angle in Taormina sends a blow to animal hair. Just on the developments of the same corner, Marino starts a fire station that the goalkeeper did well to block host. The Bagheria it is dangerous for the first time at 67 'with the striker Graziano (yesterday's "bad day"), which only takes the front of the goalkeeper's right post. Over the last few minutes there is nothing to tell: the surrender of Palermo and athletics administration without any difficulty the benefit obtained. It 's time to start to dream: the company now serves on the field leaders of Monreale.

Atletico Igea - City of Bagheria 2-0

Marcator i: 7 'and 45' hair.
Atletico Igea : Vittorio Russo, Romeo, Mondello, Quattrocchi, Campo, Marino, Iorio, Todaro (83 'Condello), Crinò (90' Alosa), Serraino (88 'Interisano). Coach: Miano.
Bagheria City: Taormina, Lo Coco, Tarantella, The Castro (17 'Audia), Verruso, Portanova, Pecoraro (57' Di Cara), Lipari, Treviso (66 'Ficile), Graziano, Mary. Coach: Rinaudo.
Ammonit i: Romeo, Mondello (Atletico Igea) Audia, Lipari (City of Bagheria).
Recover : 2'pt, 3'st.
Corners: 8-2 for Atletico Igea
Attendance: about 200

Author: L. Aliquò

Decorative Life Preservers

Barcelona PG: bad example of squandering public. Received

CISL FP: City ignores the internal expertise and outsource 11 positions for stack of 60 municipal housing units

"Efficiency, effectiveness, cost efficiency, and transparency - Calogero says Emanuele , general secretary of CISL FP - should be the cornerstones of Public Administration. But obviously not a rule that applies to the City of Long . The municipal government of Barcelona PG seems to be the prime example of how one can squander public money.

E 'was, in fact, the provision of outsourced activities and services to others and ignoring internal professional in a position to carry the same exercises. The complaint submitted by the Secretary of the CISL FP wrote to the Mayor of Barcelona and the Prosecutor of the Court of Auditors of Palermo, refers in particular to the recent appointment of the 11 professionals for the pile 60unità of municipal housing, at a cost of about € 150 000. "The paradox - Emanuele says - is that the same municipal leaders say they do not have staff available to be able to perform these tasks . This is a false statement, according to the secretary of the CISL FP, given that the figures which have been given this task, Surveyors, Architects and Engineers, all existing expertise within the City Council of Barcelona PG

The same legislation tolerate external mandates only if in cui non vengono rinvenite le figure necessarie all’interno. Si tratta ormai di un uso abituale per il Comune quello di ricorre ad affidamenti esterni pur avendo personale in servizio a tempo indeterminato ed a tempo determinato oltre che ai numerosi lavoratori LSU ex cassaintegrati. La Cisl Fp ricorda che dall’anno scorso vi è un affidamento triennale a cooperative esterne per la fornitura di educatori di asili nido, pur sapendo che risultano in servizio presso gli stessi Asili unità di personale professionalmente qualificati che svolgono la stessa attività, sotto utilizzati con contratti di lavoro a 18 ore settimanali. La stessa potatura degli alberi è affidata a ditte esterne e l’Ente dimentica di utilizzare personale contrattualizzato ASU and categories A and B capable to carry out these tasks.

E 'necessary, in accordance Emanuele, put a stop to this modus operandi by the Town Council in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bmaking employees aware of such behavior and the community they serve only to secure appointments, fees, waste , and squandering of public money. By the same money, outsourcing costs, foster care, appointments to outside professionals, could ensure the stabilization of a large part of temporary workers have the same requirements for such work. The secretary of the CISL FP therefore supports the need for intervention regional bodies such as the charge of the Councillor Inspection Office of Public Prosecutor and the Court of Auditors, to establish the serious and irreparable damage that are daily perpetrated against the public administration.

Decorative Life Preservers

Barcelona PG: bad example of squandering public. Received

CISL FP: City ignores the internal expertise and outsource 11 positions for stack of 60 municipal housing units

"Efficiency, effectiveness, cost efficiency, and transparency - Calogero says Emanuele , general secretary of CISL FP - should be the cornerstones of Public Administration. But obviously not a rule that applies to the City of Long . The municipal government of Barcelona PG seems to be the prime example of how one can squander public money.

E 'was, in fact, the provision of outsourced activities and services to others and ignoring internal professional in a position to carry the same exercises. The complaint submitted by the Secretary of the CISL FP wrote to the Mayor of Barcelona and the Prosecutor of the Court of Auditors of Palermo, refers in particular to the recent appointment of the 11 professionals for the pile 60unità of municipal housing, at a cost of about € 150 000. "The paradox - Emanuele says - is that the same municipal leaders say they do not have staff available to be able to perform these tasks . This is a false statement, according to the secretary of the CISL FP, given that the figures which have been given this task, Surveyors, Architects and Engineers, all existing expertise within the City Council of Barcelona PG

The same legislation tolerate external mandates only if in cui non vengono rinvenite le figure necessarie all’interno. Si tratta ormai di un uso abituale per il Comune quello di ricorre ad affidamenti esterni pur avendo personale in servizio a tempo indeterminato ed a tempo determinato oltre che ai numerosi lavoratori LSU ex cassaintegrati. La Cisl Fp ricorda che dall’anno scorso vi è un affidamento triennale a cooperative esterne per la fornitura di educatori di asili nido, pur sapendo che risultano in servizio presso gli stessi Asili unità di personale professionalmente qualificati che svolgono la stessa attività, sotto utilizzati con contratti di lavoro a 18 ore settimanali. La stessa potatura degli alberi è affidata a ditte esterne e l’Ente dimentica di utilizzare personale contrattualizzato ASU and categories A and B capable to carry out these tasks.

E 'necessary, in accordance Emanuele, put a stop to this modus operandi by the Town Council in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bmaking employees aware of such behavior and the community they serve only to secure appointments, fees, waste , and squandering of public money. By the same money, outsourcing costs, foster care, appointments to outside professionals, could ensure the stabilization of a large part of temporary workers have the same requirements for such work. The secretary of the CISL FP therefore supports the need for intervention regional bodies such as the charge of the Councillor Inspection Office of Public Prosecutor and the Court of Auditors, to establish the serious and irreparable damage that are daily perpetrated against the public administration.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Job Agent Inage Care Adelaide

appoints new county commissioners: Carmelo Torre and Saviour Schembri

carmelo_torre are Carmelo Tower (pictured) and Salvatore Schembri (pictured right) both of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, the two new commissioners appointed this morning by the President of the Province, Nanni Received .

Some indiscezioni Petrella will replace the first who resigned from office, but instead of Amadeo take over Schembri. schembri

In the coming days, however, there will be asegnazione of proxies for both assessori.Ricordiamo that, days ago, had been removed to the powers assessoriali Gaetano Duke, Daniela Bruno Pio and Amadeo.

Job Agent Inage Care Adelaide

appoints new county commissioners: Carmelo Torre and Saviour Schembri

carmelo_torre are Carmelo Tower (pictured) and Salvatore Schembri (pictured right) both of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, the two new commissioners appointed this morning by the President of the Province, Nanni Received .

Some indiscezioni Petrella will replace the first who resigned from office, but instead of Amadeo take over Schembri. schembri

In the coming days, however, there will be asegnazione of proxies for both assessori.Ricordiamo that, days ago, had been removed to the powers assessoriali Gaetano Duke, Daniela Bruno Pio and Amadeo.

Sinusoidal Problems With Answers

Scilipoti investigation for slander and public

The former deputy IDV in trouble to get certified to be in Brazil, the day that was present in the city council.

He said to be in Brazil to show the judges that the signature in writing and signed by the engineer. Caramel Recovery, on the construction of a poliambulatoriale was not his. Mr ex IDV, Domenico Scilipoti , was instead in Italy and that day he had attended a meeting of city council in Terme Vigliatore. And it was the engineer. Carmelo Recupero, author of the project ever since the clinic's deputy Barcelona, \u200b\u200bto prove that 22 and 23 October 2001 Scilipoti had not taken any courses at the Academy of Arts and Brasilera de Ciencia East. For this reason, the deputy public prosecutor at the Court of Messina, Anna Maria Arena, has joined the acupuncturist under investigation. Scilipoti must therefore answer for the crimes of slander and falsification of public seals. Another point in favor for the engineer. Recovery that had already won at first instance before the Tribunal of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto. The story began two decades ago when Mr Dominic Scilipoti decided to build a medical center in Vigliatore Terme, a town where the Tyrrhenian deputy has built his political constituency. The mega clinic was never realized, but the designer, who at the time militated Scilipoti the same political party, claimed the payment of the work. The legal fight began in 1994 when Recovery poses a private document that showed the task entrusted to him by Scilipoti. The Court of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bat first instance, gave reason to the professional. On appeal Scilipoti presented a document which indicated its presence in Brazil and, therefore, the signature on the deed was not hers. Unfortunately for him, 22 and 23 October 2001, was not in South America, as evidenced on the document presented, but in City Council Thermal Vigliatore, during which, as evidenced by the minutes, asked for the floor and stepped into the classroom. This has therefore increased its legal situation. The engineer Carmelo recovery will almost certainly be repaid € 100 thousand plus interest, and will Scilipoti explain how the courts could be in two places of its different continents.

Sinusoidal Problems With Answers

Scilipoti investigation for slander and public

The former deputy IDV in trouble to get certified to be in Brazil, the day that was present in the city council.

He said to be in Brazil to show the judges that the signature in writing and signed by the engineer. Caramel Recovery, on the construction of a poliambulatoriale was not his. Mr ex IDV, Domenico Scilipoti , was instead in Italy and that day he had attended a meeting of city council in Terme Vigliatore. And it was the engineer. Carmelo Recupero, author of the project ever since the clinic's deputy Barcelona, \u200b\u200bto prove that 22 and 23 October 2001 Scilipoti had not taken any courses at the Academy of Arts and Brasilera de Ciencia East. For this reason, the deputy public prosecutor at the Court of Messina, Anna Maria Arena, has joined the acupuncturist under investigation. Scilipoti must therefore answer for the crimes of slander and falsification of public seals. Another point in favor for the engineer. Recovery that had already won at first instance before the Tribunal of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto. The story began two decades ago when Mr Dominic Scilipoti decided to build a medical center in Vigliatore Terme, a town where the Tyrrhenian deputy has built his political constituency. The mega clinic was never realized, but the designer, who at the time militated Scilipoti the same political party, claimed the payment of the work. The legal fight began in 1994 when Recovery poses a private document that showed the task entrusted to him by Scilipoti. The Court of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bat first instance, gave reason to the professional. On appeal Scilipoti presented a document which indicated its presence in Brazil and, therefore, the signature on the deed was not hers. Unfortunately for him, 22 and 23 October 2001, was not in South America, as evidenced on the document presented, but in City Council Thermal Vigliatore, during which, as evidenced by the minutes, asked for the floor and stepped into the classroom. This has therefore increased its legal situation. The engineer Carmelo recovery will almost certainly be repaid € 100 thousand plus interest, and will Scilipoti explain how the courts could be in two places of its different continents.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tent Trailer Rent Seattle

counterfeiting seals Atletico outperforms the Igea Palermo. Victory that allows Iorio and companions to pull out of the play area out

A one-way race: the Palermo has never really managed to get into the game and the win for Atletico Igea was as easy as useful and important. It can be summed up as the race between the two major disappointment this season, despite everything, continue to aspire to top positions. Atletico Igea wins a victory that allows Iorio and his companions to pull out of the area play out. The race on Sunday against the City of Bagheria will be essential to continue to rock the play-off dream. A lot, as evidenced by the final score, which has finally seen the actions Giallorossi also share the attack remained unknown until now. Two goals from Todaro, a goal by Platt and another in the back Crinò did enjoy the fans in the stands. And speaking of fans, there to reward a dozen igeani present in curves, which have encouraged the athlete to the full 90 minutes. Chronicle. The first time, excluding the two goals made by the locals, is pale with emotion. At 2 'Platt is made dangerous by a blow from outside the box, which was rejected by the goalkeeper with his fists. At 15 ' Atletico get the advantage Igea: Platt's cross from the right wing, and reversed in part Todaro bag the ball over the goalkeeper guest. Cover 1-0 is still the Igea has to do the race and the 34 'comes to double, by the duo Platania-Todaro. The first draw from the left wing after a corner, the ball is rejected by the goalkeeper's head and Todaro realizes his own shotgun. You go to sleep on the positive 2-0, which would indicate a good result. When you return, do not spend even 60 seconds, the athlete signing with Igea Crinò the goal of security: the attacker takes advantage of a defensive error and Barcelona with a lob beat the keeper for 3-0. At 51 'in Field instead of Pirri: the newly entered it is immediately dangerous, wrong action just before the goalkeeper, able to repel the ball. The Palermo began to be seen only at 60 ', when Mercury undertakes strictly victory with a shot from outside the box. We are at 67 'when Romeo commits a foul in the area of \u200b\u200bhands and the referee warns him conceding the penalty: to realize it is Cangelosi, Victor has even guessed the trajectory of the ball. At 3-1, the guests will take courage and the 72 'Barone hit the crossbar. In comes the goal of full recovery Platania, which surprised the goalkeeper with a shot from 20 meters. Happens in the final few scuffles on the pitch, leading to expulsion 94 'by Cangelosi, scorer of the penalty area. It ends here, among the variety of public applause in Barcelona. Next Sunday, another home challenge of vital importance to the "D'Alcontres" comes the fourth force in the league, the City of Bagheria. Game to win to give continuity in the results and make a difference to the final so far disappointing season.

Atletico Igea -
Palermo 4-1 Scorers: 15 'and 34' Todaro (A), 46 'hair (A), 67' Cangelosi (P), 92 'Platania (A).

Atletico Igea : Vittorio Russo, Romeo, Pirri (51 'range), Quattrocchi, Kumanaku (85’ Serraino), Platania, Iorio, Todaro (66’ Marino), Mondello, Crinò. Allenatore: Miano.

Palermitana: Saluto, Ragusa A., Giglio, Barone, Paceco, Cangelosi, Ragusa F. (60’ Lo Re), Di Domenico, Di Noto (75’ Simonetta), Bollino (81’ Mercurio), Ippedico. Allenatore: Aprile.

Arbitro: Sig. Daniele Cristaudo di Catania (assistenti: Torre e Todaro di Trapani).
Espulsi: 94’ Cangelosi (Palermitana)
Ammoniti: Romeo, Pirri, Crinò (Atletico Igea); Giglio, Paceco, Ragusa F., Lo Re, Di Noto, Simonetta, Ippedico (Palermo).

Author: L. Aliquò

Tent Trailer Rent Seattle

counterfeiting seals Atletico outperforms the Igea Palermo. Victory that allows Iorio and companions to pull out of the play area out

A one-way race: the Palermo has never really managed to get into the game and the win for Atletico Igea was as easy as useful and important. It can be summed up as the race between the two major disappointment this season, despite everything, continue to aspire to top positions. Atletico Igea wins a victory that allows Iorio and his companions to pull out of the area play out. The race on Sunday against the City of Bagheria will be essential to continue to rock the play-off dream. A lot, as evidenced by the final score, which has finally seen the actions Giallorossi also share the attack remained unknown until now. Two goals from Todaro, a goal by Platt and another in the back Crinò did enjoy the fans in the stands. And speaking of fans, there to reward a dozen igeani present in curves, which have encouraged the athlete to the full 90 minutes. Chronicle. The first time, excluding the two goals made by the locals, is pale with emotion. At 2 'Platt is made dangerous by a blow from outside the box, which was rejected by the goalkeeper with his fists. At 15 ' Atletico get the advantage Igea: Platt's cross from the right wing, and reversed in part Todaro bag the ball over the goalkeeper guest. Cover 1-0 is still the Igea has to do the race and the 34 'comes to double, by the duo Platania-Todaro. The first draw from the left wing after a corner, the ball is rejected by the goalkeeper's head and Todaro realizes his own shotgun. You go to sleep on the positive 2-0, which would indicate a good result. When you return, do not spend even 60 seconds, the athlete signing with Igea Crinò the goal of security: the attacker takes advantage of a defensive error and Barcelona with a lob beat the keeper for 3-0. At 51 'in Field instead of Pirri: the newly entered it is immediately dangerous, wrong action just before the goalkeeper, able to repel the ball. The Palermo began to be seen only at 60 ', when Mercury undertakes strictly victory with a shot from outside the box. We are at 67 'when Romeo commits a foul in the area of \u200b\u200bhands and the referee warns him conceding the penalty: to realize it is Cangelosi, Victor has even guessed the trajectory of the ball. At 3-1, the guests will take courage and the 72 'Barone hit the crossbar. In comes the goal of full recovery Platania, which surprised the goalkeeper with a shot from 20 meters. Happens in the final few scuffles on the pitch, leading to expulsion 94 'by Cangelosi, scorer of the penalty area. It ends here, among the variety of public applause in Barcelona. Next Sunday, another home challenge of vital importance to the "D'Alcontres" comes the fourth force in the league, the City of Bagheria. Game to win to give continuity in the results and make a difference to the final so far disappointing season.

Atletico Igea -
Palermo 4-1 Scorers: 15 'and 34' Todaro (A), 46 'hair (A), 67' Cangelosi (P), 92 'Platania (A).

Atletico Igea : Vittorio Russo, Romeo, Pirri (51 'range), Quattrocchi, Kumanaku (85’ Serraino), Platania, Iorio, Todaro (66’ Marino), Mondello, Crinò. Allenatore: Miano.

Palermitana: Saluto, Ragusa A., Giglio, Barone, Paceco, Cangelosi, Ragusa F. (60’ Lo Re), Di Domenico, Di Noto (75’ Simonetta), Bollino (81’ Mercurio), Ippedico. Allenatore: Aprile.

Arbitro: Sig. Daniele Cristaudo di Catania (assistenti: Torre e Todaro di Trapani).
Espulsi: 94’ Cangelosi (Palermitana)
Ammoniti: Romeo, Pirri, Crinò (Atletico Igea); Giglio, Paceco, Ragusa F., Lo Re, Di Noto, Simonetta, Ippedico (Palermo).

Author: L. Aliquò