Sunday, October 29, 2006

How Long Does A Sprained Arm Heal

chronicles of the worst night ever

(the flyer has been removed to protect the image of the WPA)

puppatevi desumetene the leaflet and the information you consider relevant. You can also try to check our blog

in the hope of obtaining further details, but actually now use it only to make the cock in the comments. greetings. atroC.TXZBtion

How Long Does A Sprained Arm Heal

chronicles of the worst night ever

(the flyer has been removed to protect the image of the WPA)

puppatevi desumetene the leaflet and the information you consider relevant. You can also try to check our blog

in the hope of obtaining further details, but actually now use it only to make the cock in the comments. greetings. atroC.TXZBtion

Monday, October 23, 2006

Quotes About Being Selfish

the title of this post has been removed to protect the image of the WPA

was not that I am now paying the excess with interest, in the form of this psychic undertow I gripping self-esteem and the will to live, I'd say that spending could be close enough to my ideal standard weekend. view of the good impression that we had to Pukkelpop for our second release we have chosen as carl craig dj shoulder, just that we did show in another place and another day. narcosperimentatori from vintage men like me and dj enzo us present at the gates of the supermarket while under the influence of a lethal cocktail of St. Simon & pro evolution soccer, which however does not prevent us from recognizing the horizon the outline of the good old maxc , who had a steady job, a character mild, an intelligence higher than normal, but fell himself a victim of the synthetic sound that Friday night you instills the desire to merge with this mass of brawling unpresentable fourteen dedicated to ketamine, violence and promiscuity. then if you like your name enzo and purports to be a DJ there are strong chances that you spend a good part of the evening dispensing cigarettes to young girls of master hopes to receive in exchange for sexual favors that will never arrive. then fuck everyone knows that the development of the surf Sunday calls for calm, silenzio, armonia. e invece è tutto il giorno che siamo logorati dallo psicodramma felino tuttora in atto nel nostro salotto. abbiamo portato a casa Zazie, la nuova gattina, solo che invece della gattina devono averci rifilato una iena, perché è tutto il giorno che soffia come un’isterica, quando mi sono avvicinato per salutarla mi ha accolto sputandomi in faccia ma almeno so che non è un problema solo mio perché ha sputato in faccia pure l’orsacchiotto che gli avevamo dato per fare un po’ di simpatia. per non parlare di Micho al Mas Macho, che aveva cercato di accogliere la nuova arrivata con un certo numero di buoni propositi, ma quando si è avvicinato lei ha incominciato a produrre una serie di spaventosi suoni esoterici which have killed him the soul because, even though eight years and eight pounds heavier due to run away like a thief holed up in a corner from which they believe will come very soon, however, reminding us all what it means to no longer have the testes that had been supplied data. end.
here you will find the coveted ladders. nutritevene


Quotes About Being Selfish

the title of this post has been removed to protect the image of the WPA

was not that I am now paying the excess with interest, in the form of this psychic undertow I gripping self-esteem and the will to live, I'd say that spending could be close enough to my ideal standard weekend. view of the good impression that we had to Pukkelpop for our second release we have chosen as carl craig dj shoulder, just that we did show in another place and another day. narcosperimentatori from vintage men like me and dj enzo us present at the gates of the supermarket while under the influence of a lethal cocktail of St. Simon & pro evolution soccer, which however does not prevent us from recognizing the horizon the outline of the good old maxc , who had a steady job, a character mild, an intelligence higher than normal, but fell himself a victim of the synthetic sound that Friday night you instills the desire to merge with this mass of brawling unpresentable fourteen dedicated to ketamine, violence and promiscuity. then if you like your name enzo and purports to be a DJ there are strong chances that you spend a good part of the evening dispensing cigarettes to young girls of master hopes to receive in exchange for sexual favors that will never arrive. then fuck everyone knows that the development of the surf Sunday calls for calm, silenzio, armonia. e invece è tutto il giorno che siamo logorati dallo psicodramma felino tuttora in atto nel nostro salotto. abbiamo portato a casa Zazie, la nuova gattina, solo che invece della gattina devono averci rifilato una iena, perché è tutto il giorno che soffia come un’isterica, quando mi sono avvicinato per salutarla mi ha accolto sputandomi in faccia ma almeno so che non è un problema solo mio perché ha sputato in faccia pure l’orsacchiotto che gli avevamo dato per fare un po’ di simpatia. per non parlare di Micho al Mas Macho, che aveva cercato di accogliere la nuova arrivata con un certo numero di buoni propositi, ma quando si è avvicinato lei ha incominciato a produrre una serie di spaventosi suoni esoterici which have killed him the soul because, even though eight years and eight pounds heavier due to run away like a thief holed up in a corner from which they believe will come very soon, however, reminding us all what it means to no longer have the testes that had been supplied data. end.
here you will find the coveted ladders. nutritevene


Sunday, October 15, 2006

80042306 The Shadow Copy Provider Had An Error

+ carl craig @ alliance wrong pitching supermarket cinastic

chance of redemption for those who had been so fucking lost from the evening of the pueblo. face our first trip training in emergency, without compelling reasons for danilo cowardice refused to perform in front of his home crowd. for all the girls who loved to get excited watching him wink at the audience while pushing the lower sexual healing marvin gaye, even moving his lips during the chorus, we refer you to the next date in Turin. My playlist
personally know a substantially intamarrimento. will be given more space to my new idol Matthew Dear aka Audion. so much space that does not exclude that I threw in her latest fabric to go to the bar to break free of beers. flatly denied the rumors of my imminent turning dubstep.

wrong pitching alliance atroC.TXZBtion

80042306 The Shadow Copy Provider Had An Error

+ carl craig @ alliance wrong pitching supermarket cinastic

chance of redemption for those who had been so fucking lost from the evening of the pueblo. face our first trip training in emergency, without compelling reasons for danilo cowardice refused to perform in front of his home crowd. for all the girls who loved to get excited watching him wink at the audience while pushing the lower sexual healing marvin gaye, even moving his lips during the chorus, we refer you to the next date in Turin. My playlist
personally know a substantially intamarrimento. will be given more space to my new idol Matthew Dear aka Audion. so much space that does not exclude that I threw in her latest fabric to go to the bar to break free of beers. flatly denied the rumors of my imminent turning dubstep.

wrong pitching alliance atroC.TXZBtion

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Physical Therapist Cover Letter


for you poor bastards who live only a reflection of you know the show business is a wonderful thing. that once you're in it opens his eyes at noon with the brain whirring and you can not help but smile mischievously tossing and turning and thinking of all those useless turds that come to your sets to forget their lives of hardship and humiliating and exhausting work that just enough to set aside the ten neuro he needs to Saturday evening to swallow a couple of potion to better hear the beat that's you're dispensing. If the problem occurs to come when you realize that it is not noon but they are nine and a half, it is Saturday morning, but you have to go the same god dog to work because rather than looking at it from a DJ perspective and make the waiter at weddings Saturdays in September it looks like the people he likes a lot of you will marry and raise the chance that you've seen your ass in debt to buy the discs to put on the night before. and instead that the exhaustion of all cycles of sleep that you WOULD BE been entitled to give the alarm is Micho el mas Macho, who is trying to lick it off from the arms that patina stinking of whiskey & cola you transudate into the night. and when the first lady does not sleep with you Micho El Mas Macho is already quite pissed off of her but when it goes in a circle whiskey & cola becomes a bloodthirsty beast pounced on your body and rendered unserviceable by the excesses of the night before and and grits his teeth on your arm you can not help but mumble when you resume you will pay dearly for it to him. in reality when you've already taken you away, inside a large hall lighted a pill of ginseng you in the stomach is releasing its exciting potential bland and you're wearing a black vest with matching bow tie that demeans the memory of the t-shirt Cramps that show the night before behind the console. are again bent but underneath you a vassoio di carne sanguinante ha preso il posto del mixer e invece del ragazzo calvo che ti guarda con ammirazione chiedendoti “oh, ce l’hai villalobos?” ti ritrovi davanti agli occhi il padre della sposa che cortesemente ti fa presente che magari sì, un’altra fetta di carpaccio di manzo con rucola e castelmagno la prenderebbe volentieri. e le tue dita scorrono sul metallo e pinzano un brandello rosso fuoco con la stessa abilità e con la stessa eleganza con cui hai lasciato che i bassi rotolanti di just a man di audion deflorassero dolcemente il beat frantumato di her (jms dub) di soulphiction. e tu lo sapevi che sarebbe successo perché l’hai sentito nella cuffia, quello strumento di preveggenza sonora che ha il potere di elevarti above the masses, the audio channel that others do not have the further authority of sensory perception that all ambirebbero to have and otherwise as a business tool is certainly more appealing than this bow tie you shaking carotid artery.
and at the evening's gone great.
well fabio decidedly subdued dj enzo , probably due to bludgeon the ears received a pro-evolution soccer a few hours before his set. a lesson in football, life, and humility that, unfortunately, marked him deeply, leaving him all evening mode beaten dog. a terrible blow, hard to digest, but dovrebbe restituirlo al mondo con una nuova consapevolezza. noi altri tre membri della
wrong pitching alliance
gli ci siamo prontamente stretti intorno in questo suo difficile viaggio nella sua nuova condizione di perdente.
io ero tranquillissimo. le settanta sigarette succhiate tra le 22.45 e le 23.15 hanno fatto in modo da intasarmi i polmoni quel tanto che bastava per sospendere momentaneamente l’afflusso di sangue pulito al cervello lasciandomi in quello stato di semi inconscienza che ha favorito la fluidità dell’esordio alla consolle. quando ho tirato via dal cellophane quella clamorosa compilation della
che risponde al nome di superlongevity 4 ho dovuto sopprimere una crisi di pianto. un po’ per l’emozione, a little 'thinking of the 22 zucchini that I had to lay on the counter of
les Yper
sound to get it. But it must be said that Judas bastard when you hear bouncing off walls like a piece in the shadow of Melchior Productions know exactly where the fuck is gone your money. everything was going well until it is returned dj enzo mode

lost baggage and I was thrown against shouting "there is sjae, is sjae, throw it all away !!!". so I stupidly removed the cd (which is complete with the original sticker on the cover) and I went to a meeting about ten seconds of silence, while from the window I saw
away two men who had probably come to ask if the point was double parked and someone who dj enzo had instead taken to the fearsome bureaucracy.
what to say. I hope very much that the timetable becomes thicker and this story still goes on and on, at least until the venue owners do not realize that if instead of open up the doors of the bar gives us a thousand euro per person but they make us pay for the things that drink may cost him less.


Physical Therapist Cover Letter


for you poor bastards who live only a reflection of you know the show business is a wonderful thing. that once you're in it opens his eyes at noon with the brain whirring and you can not help but smile mischievously tossing and turning and thinking of all those useless turds that come to your sets to forget their lives of hardship and humiliating and exhausting work that just enough to set aside the ten neuro he needs to Saturday evening to swallow a couple of potion to better hear the beat that's you're dispensing. If the problem occurs to come when you realize that it is not noon but they are nine and a half, it is Saturday morning, but you have to go the same god dog to work because rather than looking at it from a DJ perspective and make the waiter at weddings Saturdays in September it looks like the people he likes a lot of you will marry and raise the chance that you've seen your ass in debt to buy the discs to put on the night before. and instead that the exhaustion of all cycles of sleep that you WOULD BE been entitled to give the alarm is Micho el mas Macho, who is trying to lick it off from the arms that patina stinking of whiskey & cola you transudate into the night. and when the first lady does not sleep with you Micho El Mas Macho is already quite pissed off of her but when it goes in a circle whiskey & cola becomes a bloodthirsty beast pounced on your body and rendered unserviceable by the excesses of the night before and and grits his teeth on your arm you can not help but mumble when you resume you will pay dearly for it to him. in reality when you've already taken you away, inside a large hall lighted a pill of ginseng you in the stomach is releasing its exciting potential bland and you're wearing a black vest with matching bow tie that demeans the memory of the t-shirt Cramps that show the night before behind the console. are again bent but underneath you a vassoio di carne sanguinante ha preso il posto del mixer e invece del ragazzo calvo che ti guarda con ammirazione chiedendoti “oh, ce l’hai villalobos?” ti ritrovi davanti agli occhi il padre della sposa che cortesemente ti fa presente che magari sì, un’altra fetta di carpaccio di manzo con rucola e castelmagno la prenderebbe volentieri. e le tue dita scorrono sul metallo e pinzano un brandello rosso fuoco con la stessa abilità e con la stessa eleganza con cui hai lasciato che i bassi rotolanti di just a man di audion deflorassero dolcemente il beat frantumato di her (jms dub) di soulphiction. e tu lo sapevi che sarebbe successo perché l’hai sentito nella cuffia, quello strumento di preveggenza sonora che ha il potere di elevarti above the masses, the audio channel that others do not have the further authority of sensory perception that all ambirebbero to have and otherwise as a business tool is certainly more appealing than this bow tie you shaking carotid artery.
and at the evening's gone great.
well fabio decidedly subdued dj enzo , probably due to bludgeon the ears received a pro-evolution soccer a few hours before his set. a lesson in football, life, and humility that, unfortunately, marked him deeply, leaving him all evening mode beaten dog. a terrible blow, hard to digest, but dovrebbe restituirlo al mondo con una nuova consapevolezza. noi altri tre membri della
wrong pitching alliance
gli ci siamo prontamente stretti intorno in questo suo difficile viaggio nella sua nuova condizione di perdente.
io ero tranquillissimo. le settanta sigarette succhiate tra le 22.45 e le 23.15 hanno fatto in modo da intasarmi i polmoni quel tanto che bastava per sospendere momentaneamente l’afflusso di sangue pulito al cervello lasciandomi in quello stato di semi inconscienza che ha favorito la fluidità dell’esordio alla consolle. quando ho tirato via dal cellophane quella clamorosa compilation della
che risponde al nome di superlongevity 4 ho dovuto sopprimere una crisi di pianto. un po’ per l’emozione, a little 'thinking of the 22 zucchini that I had to lay on the counter of
les Yper
sound to get it. But it must be said that Judas bastard when you hear bouncing off walls like a piece in the shadow of Melchior Productions know exactly where the fuck is gone your money. everything was going well until it is returned dj enzo mode

lost baggage and I was thrown against shouting "there is sjae, is sjae, throw it all away !!!". so I stupidly removed the cd (which is complete with the original sticker on the cover) and I went to a meeting about ten seconds of silence, while from the window I saw
away two men who had probably come to ask if the point was double parked and someone who dj enzo had instead taken to the fearsome bureaucracy.
what to say. I hope very much that the timetable becomes thicker and this story still goes on and on, at least until the venue owners do not realize that if instead of open up the doors of the bar gives us a thousand euro per person but they make us pay for the things that drink may cost him less.
