Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Spy Speed Boat Is Being Chased Down A River


Burrata cheese preparation is typical of the province of Bari, looks like a small
"bag "spun soft dough, which contains within it a generous dose of Stracciatella (delicate mixture of fresh cream and mozzarella frayed in thin threads).
has a variable size from 150 to 500 grams, and is the result of a process of patient handwork.
Originally it was produced mainly in the territories of Andria (Bari) and Martina Franca (Taranto) wrapped and sold in distinctive enclosures, vegetable fibers.
E 'cheese considered a "young" since it was born less than a century ago, is expected in the "Colonial Bianchini" in the territory of Andria.
Taste of Burrata is largely entrusted to the preparation of Stracciatella, which shall have the right ratio mozzarella cheese / cream.
The cream also be fresh, sweet, the right consistency (30-35% fat).
The scent is so soft, a blend of whipped cream and fresh mozzarella, the taste is delicious, very piacevole,per la estrema palatabilità durante la masticazione.
E' un gustosissimo secondo piatto,da consumare freschissimo,senza alcun condimento.
Avendo una shelf-life molto breve,va conservata in frigorifero.
E' ideale in accompagnamento a frutti di mare (ostriche,noci di mare,ecc..)con abbinamento di vini bianchi secchi dal gusto fruttato e serviti freddi,come ad esempio il Castel Del Monte DOC.

20 November 2010

A Spy Speed Boat Is Being Chased Down A River


Burrata cheese preparation is typical of the province of Bari, looks like a small
"bag "spun soft dough, which contains within it a generous dose of Stracciatella (delicate mixture of fresh cream and mozzarella frayed in thin threads).
has a variable size from 150 to 500 grams, and is the result of a process of patient handwork.
Originally it was produced mainly in the territories of Andria (Bari) and Martina Franca (Taranto) wrapped and sold in distinctive enclosures, vegetable fibers.
E 'cheese considered a "young" since it was born less than a century ago, is expected in the "Colonial Bianchini" in the territory of Andria.
Taste of Burrata is largely entrusted to the preparation of Stracciatella, which shall have the right ratio mozzarella cheese / cream.
The cream also be fresh, sweet, the right consistency (30-35% fat).
The scent is so soft, a blend of whipped cream and fresh mozzarella, the taste is delicious, very piacevole,per la estrema palatabilità durante la masticazione.
E' un gustosissimo secondo piatto,da consumare freschissimo,senza alcun condimento.
Avendo una shelf-life molto breve,va conservata in frigorifero.
E' ideale in accompagnamento a frutti di mare (ostriche,noci di mare,ecc..)con abbinamento di vini bianchi secchi dal gusto fruttato e serviti freddi,come ad esempio il Castel Del Monte DOC.

20 November 2010

Bamboo Flooring Staple Nail


thank you very much for these cute two thoughts of my friend Trini Altea blog /

With a beautiful

26 February 2011

Bamboo Flooring Staple Nail


thank you very much for these cute two thoughts of my friend Trini Altea blog /

With a beautiful

26 February 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

How Much Ambien Is Too Much=h


250 grams of flour "00",
125g salted peanuts,
100 grams of eggs,
100 grams of Parmesan cheese,
90 grams of soft butter,
25 g sugar,
4 grams of salt,
1 / 2 packet of yeast,
1 pinch of nutmeg.

Whip the soft butter in a bowl with sugar, then add salt and grated Parmesan cheese and nutmeg, blend again and add the eggs lightly beaten, then add the flour and baking powder sifted, knead with hands until mixture is a hard, finally versate le arachidi tagliate grossolanamente al coltello,amalgamate il tutto finchè risulterà una pasta omogenea.

Sul tagliere,dividete l'impasto in 4 parti uguali e formate dei panetti rettangolari con larghezza di circa 4 cm,leggermente schiacciati.
Dopo che li avrete adagiati in una teglia su carta forno,infornate a 190°C per circa 15/20'.
Dopodichè sfornateli,lasciateli intiepidire e poi tagliate delicatamente poles diagonally.
cantucci Bake at 170 ° C for 5 / 6 'per side, so that you colorino well.
are preserved very well and always crisp for several days.
tempearture Serve at room temperature for aperitif and a good appetite!

December 29, 2010

How Much Ambien Is Too Much=h


250 grams of flour "00",
125g salted peanuts,
100 grams of eggs,
100 grams of Parmesan cheese,
90 grams of soft butter,
25 g sugar,
4 grams of salt,
1 / 2 packet of yeast,
1 pinch of nutmeg.

Whip the soft butter in a bowl with sugar, then add salt and grated Parmesan cheese and nutmeg, blend again and add the eggs lightly beaten, then add the flour and baking powder sifted, knead with hands until mixture is a hard, finally versate le arachidi tagliate grossolanamente al coltello,amalgamate il tutto finchè risulterà una pasta omogenea.

Sul tagliere,dividete l'impasto in 4 parti uguali e formate dei panetti rettangolari con larghezza di circa 4 cm,leggermente schiacciati.
Dopo che li avrete adagiati in una teglia su carta forno,infornate a 190°C per circa 15/20'.
Dopodichè sfornateli,lasciateli intiepidire e poi tagliate delicatamente poles diagonally.
cantucci Bake at 170 ° C for 5 / 6 'per side, so that you colorino well.
are preserved very well and always crisp for several days.
tempearture Serve at room temperature for aperitif and a good appetite!

December 29, 2010