Monday, October 23, 2006

Quotes About Being Selfish

the title of this post has been removed to protect the image of the WPA

was not that I am now paying the excess with interest, in the form of this psychic undertow I gripping self-esteem and the will to live, I'd say that spending could be close enough to my ideal standard weekend. view of the good impression that we had to Pukkelpop for our second release we have chosen as carl craig dj shoulder, just that we did show in another place and another day. narcosperimentatori from vintage men like me and dj enzo us present at the gates of the supermarket while under the influence of a lethal cocktail of St. Simon & pro evolution soccer, which however does not prevent us from recognizing the horizon the outline of the good old maxc , who had a steady job, a character mild, an intelligence higher than normal, but fell himself a victim of the synthetic sound that Friday night you instills the desire to merge with this mass of brawling unpresentable fourteen dedicated to ketamine, violence and promiscuity. then if you like your name enzo and purports to be a DJ there are strong chances that you spend a good part of the evening dispensing cigarettes to young girls of master hopes to receive in exchange for sexual favors that will never arrive. then fuck everyone knows that the development of the surf Sunday calls for calm, silenzio, armonia. e invece è tutto il giorno che siamo logorati dallo psicodramma felino tuttora in atto nel nostro salotto. abbiamo portato a casa Zazie, la nuova gattina, solo che invece della gattina devono averci rifilato una iena, perché è tutto il giorno che soffia come un’isterica, quando mi sono avvicinato per salutarla mi ha accolto sputandomi in faccia ma almeno so che non è un problema solo mio perché ha sputato in faccia pure l’orsacchiotto che gli avevamo dato per fare un po’ di simpatia. per non parlare di Micho al Mas Macho, che aveva cercato di accogliere la nuova arrivata con un certo numero di buoni propositi, ma quando si è avvicinato lei ha incominciato a produrre una serie di spaventosi suoni esoterici which have killed him the soul because, even though eight years and eight pounds heavier due to run away like a thief holed up in a corner from which they believe will come very soon, however, reminding us all what it means to no longer have the testes that had been supplied data. end.
here you will find the coveted ladders. nutritevene



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