Monday, August 17, 2009

Deathwatch By Robb White Chapter Review

Our wall

Giorgio Bocca, perhaps the greatest living Italian journalist, the latest issue Espresso examined with his usual rude incidents of collusion between the mafia and the state of the 90 . Citing names and surnames Bocca says what should be known and understood by all now:
le organizzazioni criminali sono parte integrante della struttura di controllo delle regioni del Sud.

Questa integrazione è stata costruita negli anni della guerra fredda, anni in cui le Mafie hanno garantito il controllo dei voti del sud, arginando il pericolo comunista . Questa loro funzione, messa in atto dalla Democrazia Cristiana, era conosciuta, tollerata e favorita dall'alleato americano ed ha mantenuto la sua utilità fino alla caduta del muro nell'89. Una connivenza che ha permesso un Sud medioevale, sprofondato nella violenza delle guerre di Mafia degli anni 70 e 80 similmente al Cile di Pinochet. Una connivenza che è stata causa di omicidi eccellenti, primo tra tutti il Generale dalla Chiesa, inviato Sicily to fight the mafia with no real powers, like a sacrificial victim to the higher reasons of state. We also had us our Berlin Wall that divided our country also in a similar way to what happened in Germany. This wall was built almost simultaneously with the German wall in the 60's, famous for not less visible as real architecture but only as a border between two countries, a line that divides two visibly different worlds: the industrialized capitalist and a poor and underdeveloped the other, the democratic one, in the hands of an organization antitemocratica, criminal, violent other. Their wall came down in '89 our staggered but was soon restored and repainted in new colors and is still standing. After 89
this symbiosis between the state and mafia has lost its raison d'etre, even the very existence of the Mafia has become indigestible U.S. allies and the emerging European Union, which called for a more vigorous on the part of jurists' Italy. The Mafia has felt hunted, without points of local and international marine biotoxins, decimated by the recent "Clean Hands" investigation, and reacted violently faced feel its military weight. At this point the state could destroy the Mafia but chose to come to terms by establishing negotiations, seeking agreement, renewing the Lateran Pact of complicity. The new pact has paid off, her little ones were the new political references, which have gained power, strong control of the Mafia always excellent population of the South

crudely Giorgio Bocca has reviewed these documents, nothing more, things notes that are part of our history. They are useless and harmful to the controversy that followed his brief article Espresso. Harmful because they are trying to throw mud on the truth, that truth is useless because they intended to come to light after the recent developments and the reopening of the murder Borsellino.
It seems that, like the massacre of 92 hours being deployed troops journalists to act against those who undermine the system by revealing the uncomfortable truth. We do not isolate and destroy bombs but with the battleships of the obedient press, one voice that tuonino, euphonium and annientino partisan who was then and still is today.

PS: careful analysis of these events was made by Roberto Scarpinato in his wonderful book The Return of the Prince .


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