Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Commerical With Velveeta And Rotel Pasta

All animals are equal but the pigs are more equal than others

La corte costituzionale si riunisce nuovamente oggi "per giudicare la costituzionalità del Lodo Alfano e si fa strada l'ipotesi del compromesso . E' proprio vero che dal medioevo ad oggi in fondo non è cambiato nulla, la conquista dell'uguaglianza di fronte alla legge vale solo per i cretini che non hanno means to defend themselves or do not adhere to any political trend.
It is judging a principle that applies civil achievements, he believes the constitution of our state is judged our freedom. You are judging the Leica:
  • corrupt judges
  • hire gangsters as their employees
  • evade taxes with foreign companies
  • bribe witnesses.
According to the principle that once elected the third-Arcore is no longer a citizen but a citizen like the others more equal than others, as if it was invested with his power from God himself as we were led to believe medieval subjects.
Our constituents, tip più alta della storia della nostra giurisprudenza, nel loro mirabile lavoro hanno discusso la possibilità dell'immunita per la più alta carica dello stato:

L’on. Bettiol la propose (l'immunita per il Presidente della Repubblica n.d.r.), ma fu bocciato a larga maggioranza.
obiettò: “Non vedo la necessità di costituire al Capo dello Stato una posizione speciale. Abbiamo una magistratura che è sovrana ed è uno dei poteri dello Stato… Persino presso certi popoli coloniali è possibile chiamare dinanzi al giudice il governatore”. Il grande Mortati rivelò: “Si è omessa intenzionalmente any regulation of the ordinary responsibilities of the President. It 's a voluntary gap of the Constitution. " The President of the Assembly, Meuccio Ruini, said curtly: "Better a gap too great a privilege for the President, who is always citizen among citizens, although covering the highest political office. Do not say that for seven years President of the Republic did not meet the justice of his country. "

highest peak But this was soon abandoned due to slip back into the swamp of compromise that still, apparently, are repetitive, cyclical like the seasons. E 'Berlusconi threatened enough that the elections because the Democratic Party in crisis and without a secretary, were to turn around on the principles and accept the compromise under the counter, selling for his thirty pieces of our right to equality before the law.

Report on the work of the Constituent Assembly.


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