Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Anniversary Of Non Smoking

Semus in tempos de tirannias. (We are in times of tyranny)

La rabbia e la rassegnazione delle parole di Nanneddu meu  ben si prestano a descrivere le sensazioni che ho provato leggendo della proposta del senatore del PdL Cosimo Gallo  di sperimentare nel poligono di Quirra gli effetti dell'uranio impoverito al fine di verificarne scientificamente i danni e le devastazioni che il suo impiego provoca.
Sono allibito e incredulo di fronte alla prepotenza, alla totale mancanza di rispetto per la sorte degli abitanti della zona, che questa proposta manifesta. La presenza del poligono di Quirra ha comportato negli anni un costo enorme in termini di malattie and deaths countries adjacent to the military zone, is a known problem and that you are busy several times and now the media are interested in (better late than never!) a 'judicial inquiry . Scarring in the dramatic numbers that these investigations have documented, the family dramas that accompany these numbers, the ingenious idea of \u200b\u200bSenator Gallo seems to have been: experience in a scientific manner, using depleted uranium in the polygon and verifichiamone damage . But this field-testing has meant that the population will be used as a guinea pig, like saying "Both are bad already, that their sacrifice will serve to science." That pragmatism! What enlightened scientist! As a visionary mind!
remain incredulous in the face of such cynicism, I do not know what to say almost, I do not know what could prove a father who lost a son to leukemia caused by the polygon reading the words of Senator Gallo, not I know what I'd do if I were in his place, I do not know if I survived the guilt, but I know for sure that I pounded my fists on the wall and I would go to parliament to seek an explanation from the senator.
they go live in those areas for years, day by day inhaling the dust of murderous weapons, cursed by absorbing radiation, and waiting for the inexorable disease like a rabid dog chases up to grab you, or worse, to grab one of your loved ones.
But they do not go there, they are in their palaces, living in their houses paid a penny or paid by others without their knowledge and decide our fate, deciding whether to build near a nuclear plant, if you should decide to cut health spending for the budget, agree strongly thinking of us as the numbers of collateral damage "good governance" . What
infinite rage.


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