Monday, January 31, 2011

Baby Green Tree Python For Sale

Press of Councillor Mario Early on the phenomenon of stray dogs in the city of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto

Il problema dell’abbandono dei cani e del conseguente randagismo sta assumendo proporzioni intollerabili sul nostro territorio. Sempre più spesso i volontari delle associazioni animalisti sono costretti a sobbarcarsi spese ed enormous sacrifices to provide for the recovery and care and treatment of stray or abandoned wounded. This is despite a wide range of laws and regulations to carry out the obligation to provide City entity to these tasks. The same decree No assessoriale 2825/2007 requires municipalities to "provide for the capture of stray dogs or the taking of dogs involved in accidents, injuries or ill" (item b, p.. 6 of the Decree) and "ensure the emergency services directly or in agreement with animal health authorized "(paragraph g, p.. 6)." The same municipality should ensure adequate staff training at the end of the 'implementation of the Regional Law 15/2000 shall conclude an agreement with animal rights organizations or associations to recover the care and sterilization of stray dogs, provide for the creation of special health-equipped shelters, and ensure emergency services directly or by authorized health care facilities, as well as the conclusion of insurance for damage to third parties caused by the same stray animals. In view of this emergency situation then and now the inability of the voluntary sector to provide animal with its own strengths and resources to combat the problem of stray dogs, with all the risks it causes to the animals and the citizens themselves (if not properly controlled and managed), asks the Administration wanted to provvedere cosi come previsto dalle leggi vigenti, ad assumere tutte le iniziative utili e doverose volte a regolamentare e arginare questo problema, interrompendo l’ atteggiamento omissivo e di sufficienza mantenuto in questi anni rispetto ad una questione di civiltà e decoro della nostra città.

Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto 31.01.2011
Consigliere Comunale
Dott. Mario Presti


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