Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Discount 4 Nursery Pot

Bonina and 'ready to leave:''We need a more PalAlberti' large''

President of Sigma Barcelona considers essential to continue to operate properly and plan future goals expansion of the building. Otherwise it is ready to end his adventure in basketball. It is estimated while the hypothesis of un'azionariato popular and contemporary society's transformation from a spa srl \u200b\u200b

"This company has big plans for the future that we are interested in developing a Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto and not far from here. So, without enlargement of the "PalAlberti," the company will be by " . Con queste parole il Presidente Immacolato Bonina ha ribadito nell'odierna conferenza stampa quanto nelle scorse settimane aveva già dichiarato agli organi di informazione. "Siamo una società ambiziosa e vogliamo crescere. Non ci accontentiamo di vivacchiare. Vogliamo sempre guardare avanti. Abbiamo un progetto biennale per fare il salto in serie A1" , ha proseguito il patron giallorosso, accompagnato in conferenza stampa dal vicepresidente Fedele Genovese e dalla "quota rosa" Maria Catena Bucca . "La squadra di pallacanestro é un patrimonio della città, non di Bonina. L'intera città ha dimostrato di tenere a questa creatura" - ha aggiunto Bonina- "I wonder and I ask you: if we were already able to hit this year by securing promotion to the top flight, as we should do? Where will we play?" . In the following press conference went on to explain its reasons, also responding to individual questions from journalists. During the press conference Wednesday afternoon, the chief executive of Basketball also announced today that Barcelona is working to assess the possibility of transforming the company from Barcelona Basketball Srl Spa, entrusting a popular shareholding, and then to the city, 51% of the shares. All this, however, goes through the fundamental "question" PalAlberti, in fact. After the intervention of Mary Chain Bucca, which has called for a dialogue with institutions, private closed-in of the vice president Fedele Genovese: "It is meet and discuss the matter calmly, trying to understand one another."

In photos: the president of Sigma Barcelona Immaculate Bonia and a view of the top of PalAlberti that should be raised.

Daniel Straface (January 12, 2011)


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