Monday, January 31, 2011

Decorative Life Preservers

Barcelona PG: bad example of squandering public. Received

CISL FP: City ignores the internal expertise and outsource 11 positions for stack of 60 municipal housing units

"Efficiency, effectiveness, cost efficiency, and transparency - Calogero says Emanuele , general secretary of CISL FP - should be the cornerstones of Public Administration. But obviously not a rule that applies to the City of Long . The municipal government of Barcelona PG seems to be the prime example of how one can squander public money.

E 'was, in fact, the provision of outsourced activities and services to others and ignoring internal professional in a position to carry the same exercises. The complaint submitted by the Secretary of the CISL FP wrote to the Mayor of Barcelona and the Prosecutor of the Court of Auditors of Palermo, refers in particular to the recent appointment of the 11 professionals for the pile 60unità of municipal housing, at a cost of about € 150 000. "The paradox - Emanuele says - is that the same municipal leaders say they do not have staff available to be able to perform these tasks . This is a false statement, according to the secretary of the CISL FP, given that the figures which have been given this task, Surveyors, Architects and Engineers, all existing expertise within the City Council of Barcelona PG

The same legislation tolerate external mandates only if in cui non vengono rinvenite le figure necessarie all’interno. Si tratta ormai di un uso abituale per il Comune quello di ricorre ad affidamenti esterni pur avendo personale in servizio a tempo indeterminato ed a tempo determinato oltre che ai numerosi lavoratori LSU ex cassaintegrati. La Cisl Fp ricorda che dall’anno scorso vi è un affidamento triennale a cooperative esterne per la fornitura di educatori di asili nido, pur sapendo che risultano in servizio presso gli stessi Asili unità di personale professionalmente qualificati che svolgono la stessa attività, sotto utilizzati con contratti di lavoro a 18 ore settimanali. La stessa potatura degli alberi è affidata a ditte esterne e l’Ente dimentica di utilizzare personale contrattualizzato ASU and categories A and B capable to carry out these tasks.

E 'necessary, in accordance Emanuele, put a stop to this modus operandi by the Town Council in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bmaking employees aware of such behavior and the community they serve only to secure appointments, fees, waste , and squandering of public money. By the same money, outsourcing costs, foster care, appointments to outside professionals, could ensure the stabilization of a large part of temporary workers have the same requirements for such work. The secretary of the CISL FP therefore supports the need for intervention regional bodies such as the charge of the Councillor Inspection Office of Public Prosecutor and the Court of Auditors, to establish the serious and irreparable damage that are daily perpetrated against the public administration.


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